originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Dabbling in the API currently and here is my request object URL:-
I have the right Headers in my request object and I am able to hit the /search endpoint and get the resukts back. However, the above end point gives me an error like this:-
{"Response":"0","ErrorCode":217,"ThrottleSeconds":0,"ErrorStatus":"UserCannotResolveCentralAccount","Message":"We've encountered..."
Edit:: For brevity sake (the conversation thread below with Bunk3r is very deep!), here is what finally worked for me:-
Use /SearchDestinyPlayer/{membershipType}/{displayName}/ end-point to get the membershipID for the player being searched. Note: the displayName parameter is either a Gamertag or a PSN Id.
Hello, Could you please edit your post and remove it from the Help section by either deleting the #Help tag or changing the category to none? Private group posts like this which are meant to stay private shouldn't be tagged or they be made public.
I search that gamertag on here and i see no "characther" data, no xbox or psn info just forum information, have you tried using 255 instead of 1, so that it looks for the membership for the bnet instead of Xbox?
Why are you 'dabbling' in the code and API of Bungie's website? Methinks this is definitely NOT a good idea.
Dafuq is this smart people shit