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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Hobbes92: 10/27/2013 2:24:17 AM

The Chronicles of Alec Blackwater Chapter IX Informing the Council

Alec walked to the cockpit of the Leviathan, taking a seat in the co-pilot seat next to Whisk. Alec looked over at Whisk, noticing a patch on the right arm of his worn-out, black trench coat. The patch read: “Dagul ob-Cutotaz” It had a skull with torn wings, a burning thorn bush under the skull, and the skull was cracked and had tears of blood. “Dagul ob-Cutotaz,” Alec said, looking through the ships windshield. “Didn’t know any of them nut jobs were left.” “I’m the last one.” Whisk responded, not surprised by Alec identifying the patch. “Didn’t know you were a fan of Tolkien’s’ work. What are we to do about So Fawn? I called Pheln and Lyle; they say So has gone into hiding.” “For now,” Alec said, leaning back in the co-pilots seat. “We’ll return to your hanger.” “Are you going to contact the Council about this?” Whisk asked. “Yeah,” Alec responded. “Then we’ll hunt So Fawn.” Whisk successfully flew the Leviathan back to in its layer, landing with a loud crash. As the engines powered down, Alec and Whisk walked out of a door off to the side of the Leviathan, just to the side of the cockpit. Alec walked over to the table in the hanger over near Phelns workshop. Alec sat down at one of the chairs and removed his helmet. Alec was nervous, he hadn’t spoken to the FOTC Council in a while; the last time he did he was still human. The hanger was empty now; Alec was the only one there with the Leviathan. Alec took out his wives dog tags from his belt, that Spencer had given him; Alec then replaced one of his own tags with one of his wives on her chain. Alec got up and walked to Whisks’ room, just down the hall from the hanger knocking on Whisks’ door. “What’s up,” Whisk asked with a yawn as he answered the door in his sleeping attire. “Put these with my box,” Alec said, handing him the two remaining dog tags. “Alright,” Whisk said, taking the dog tags. “Hey, whatever happened to Daniel?” Alec had started to walk away, but turned around. “He was killed on an operation we were on,” Alec responded. “Eleanor, Daniel, and I were tasked with stopping a high jacked vessel that was heading for Mars. The Fallen had killed the pilots and had routed the ship towards the sun instead, crippling the controls before escaping in the escape pods. We separated the ship in half by detonating explosives that Eleanor and I placed to separate the ship, but Daniel had been trapped in the command deck. Daniel held the detonator, he sacrificed his life to save Eleanor and I, as well as the rest of the crew. Eleanor, the crew, and I tried to get him out, but he said it was okay, it was his Destiny to sacrifice his life. Then he detonated the explosives.” “Did you try your best to get him out?” Asked Whisk, with a very sincere tone of sarcasm. “We tried to find the blue prints to the ship,” Alec responded. “But the crew didn’t know where the prints were in the computer. I even tried ripping the doors to the command deck open with my bare hands, but it was to no avail.” Alec then turned away from Whisk and started to walk down the hall way again, heading outside. Whisk waited until Alec was down the hall when he put the tags with Alec’s box. Just as Alec was about go out the door to the outside, he was stopped by Pheln. “Where you off to, Alec?” Pheln asked, stopping Alec at the door. “Need a lift? “No,” Alec said in a stern tone. “I’m going to speak to the FOTC Council on our situation. I’ll be back.” With that, Alec walked outside, the door securing itself behind him. Alec walked the twelve blocks to the FOTC building; as Alec walked up the steps; various Guardians littered the front of the building, filling the square; a fountain in the square had a statue of a fallen general by the name of General Flax that the Guardians saluted as they passed it. Alec walked through the front of the building through the glass doors into a small waiting area. The flags of the various factions lined the walls; Alec looked at them with displeasure in his mechanical eyes. Alec approached the security booth in the center of the room; it was the only way to get into the main lobby. Everyone had to go through a bios can and background check, just to get in. A wall divided this area from the main lobby. “Name,” Asked the droid sitting behind the safety glass of the check in desk. “Alec Blackwater,” Alec responded in a dark tone. The droid then did a quick scan to check out Alec’s background, an alarm went off as the scan came up negative. This however didn’t shake Alec; he stood there until suddenly the alarm stopped. “Sorry,” The secretary droid said. “You seem to be missing from our records; however, you have been given a pass. You may proceed; an escort will be with you shortly.” The door to the right of the security desk opened up, allowing Alec to pass through into the main lobby. The lobby was full of Guardians, walking to and from their business throughout the many hall ways. Three marble statues stood with their backs together in the center of the lobby surrounded by a fountain; the statues were of three of the original Guardians: Samson the Mighty (Titan), Ammihud the Adroit (Hunter), and Zedekiah the Wise (Warlock). Below the statues was a plaque that read in Latin: “Memini noster Ruinosa Countubernalis” These three Guardians were but three of many idolized fallen brother and sister Guardians of the city. [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • Edited by Hobbes92: 10/30/2013 1:13:21 AM
    [b]Continued from Above[/b] You could also see the many banners of the factions hanging from the ceiling, swaying back and forth in the wind. The guards that patrolled the area watched Alec closely, uncertain if Alec was friend or foe. Out of one of the elevators to Alec’s right opened up, and out walked three young Guardians, looking for trouble. Two of them were Warlock class, their leader was a Hunter though; all had shiny new armor to show off, all bright orange, red, white, and yellow. “Hey,” Yelled the young hunter at his two team mates. “Get a load of the Spartan over there.” Alec stood still as the three cadets walked over to him. “Hey,” The Hunter continued. “You Titans are supposed to be real tough, prove it, Spartan.” Alec didn’t respond to the young man, he just stood there, looking into the mass of Guardians. The young cadet got up into Alecs face, drawing a knife. “Scarred,” The Hunter jeered. “You should be.” The Hunter began to spin and flip the knife around in his left hand, thinking it made him look cool. Alec waited for what he knew the Hunter cadet would do next. The ignorant cadet threw the blade up into the air; catching it in his left hand in an “ice pick” grip, then guiding the blade towards Alecs face. Alec countered by grabbing the cadets’ arm and knocking him on his back by sweeping his legs from beneath him. Alec pinned him to the ground and grabbing the knife from the cadets hand, placed the blade exceptionally close to the foolish inexperienced Hunters neck. Alec couldn’t see the Hunters face, but he knew he must have wet himself by now. Blood began to trickle down the blades edge. “That’s enough,” Yelled a guard at Alec. “You’re lucky he wasn’t a Fallen Captain, you’d of been dead before you hit the ground, cadet.” Alec removed the blade from the young man’s neck and picked him up, handing him back his knife. The trio walked away, the two Warlocks laughing at the Hunter. Soon, a bot showed up and addressed Alec to follow him. Alec followed the Droid to the elevator; from there they went to the ninety-second floor. Alec and the droid exited the elevator and walked down a narrow hall way to a room with large windows looking over the City. There was a large conference table in the room with chairs; four figures stood on the other side, looking out the windows and conversing about something. The droid left Alec standing behind the table, opposite the four people. One of them was the head Elder of Commerce. They all turned and faced Alec at once. Alec recognized the Titan that stood among them; his name was Commander Tarn, a highly revered Titan in the Vanguard. Tarns his face had multiple scars on it, most noticeable though was a jagged three-clawed one that went diagonal across his face. There was also a Vanguard Hunter and Warlock standing among them, but Alec couldn’t identify them. Alec suddenly stood at attention and saluted. “You’ve been busy,” Said the Elder. “At ease, Alec,” Said Tarn. “According to our records, you’re dead. However, Elder Quenn has been filling us in on your unfortunate predicament. Also, don’t worry about not being involved in So Fawns capture, you’ll be leading it.” The Warlock approached Alec; his mask was like that of a panthers face. “So Fawn,” The Warlock echoed in a mechanical voice. “Is to be captured alive….and still be able to speak. You cannot kill him.” “Yes,” The female Hunter started to say. “We need him to testify to the court. We also took to burying your families’ remains; you can visit them in Elysium Mortuary. We are sorry for your loss.” “Also,” Quenn said. “We are assigning a liaison to watch over your affairs, from now on.” Alec wanted to protest, but decided against it. Suddenly, there came a commotion on the other side of the room. Multiple people barged through the doors and the two in front looked mighty upset about something. “You!” Yelled a man wearing a FWC robe, pointing at Alec. “You killed twelve of our Mercs.” Alec turned and faced the crowed of people, they were a mixture of Dead Orbit and Future War Cult personnel. “You’re responsible for the death of Stahll,” Shouted a woman, with decorative tattoos from Dead Orbit on her face. “Calm down,” Tarn said in a loud voice. “Were handling the situation, go back to your chambers. Besides, you all know the laws.” The crowd of angry Guardians started to clear out, only a few lingered behind, but decided to leave after they were the only ones left. “The liaison,” Tarn continued. “Her name is Arial, and she will be proceeding to watch and make sure that you’re still capable to serve. Also, the FOTC Counsel has decided for the time being to keep your being alive a secret, those who already know must keep it a secret. Oh, and Welcome back Alec” “We will be in touch.” Said the Warlock. Alec turned to leave, but decided to turn around and say something. “Glad to be back, Sirs and Ma’am.” Alec said. Alec saluted the people and then headed back to the elevator and began his decent to the lobby. Once in the lobby, Alec headed for the exit, turning back to look at the fountain before walking back out into the streets. End chapter Nine Chapter Ten Thanks for reading, feedback is appreciated.

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