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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Eterteeter: 5/16/2014 1:35:39 AM

Fluke Episode 4: Race to the Ends of the Sol

Fluke Episode 4: Race To the Ends of the Sol The bar was rowdy as the bartenders handed thirsty patrons their cheap liquor. Among the wary travelers were the bounty hunters, who struck shady deals in the dark corners. Servers of different desirable shapes happily served a wealthy gentlemen and his party. More questionable figures conversed rather loudly, their topics ranged from the norm to the down right weird and strange. Caravans, explorers, miners, and even the occasional loner; they were all piled into the large floating station. Music filled the airwaves with talk of good vibes and happy times, but the lyrics were seen as flat out lies in the ears of the certain buzz cut barbarian. Darian chugged his flat drink and moaned, his disapproval with his last mission was enough justification for a couple beers. After protecting some precious cargo and battling his way through hoards of rigorous enemies, he and his other fellow warriors decided to rest while their ship was being refueled. Alton nor Melody wanted any part of the assignment, but Darian happily agreed to take it on and stand as a representative for his fireteam. However, he did wished that they were here with him since his other teammates were very dry individuals. The music drowned his blues as he finished his second drink, he didn't notice the figure standing impatiently behind him. Turning around, he came into contact with a younger woman in a dark hooded cloak. Her hood was down, exposing her short red hair and emerald eyes. She stared at him with a great fear that started to encompass him. He could smell the bad news coming from a mile away. "You! You are a guardian, yes?" her voice was stern and a strong accent add to the tension. "Yeah, what's it tooo-" Darian was thrown off guard when the woman pulled him off of the bar stool and dragged him out of the space bar. Bar patrons snickered at them as they passed by. He struggled to break free, but her grip was extremely strong. "Let go, lady. I gotta get back to Earth!" "No time. Please, I need your services." she said. They walked into her ship and sat down at the cockpit. As she flip the many switches on the control panel, Darian tried to make a break for it. The second he blinked, the barrel of a hand cannon pointed right at him. "I'm sorry." she regretfully said before whipping him with the pistol. Darain blacked out and slipped down in the co pilot's seat. _______________________________________ He woke up immediately, slurred speech from hours of sleep failed to form proper sentences. His mind came too once the room he was in began to violently shake as though he was caught in the middle of an earthquake. The room was dark and musty, the damping moisture and odor of various cleaning agents ruffled his eyes until he blew his way out of the room. He landed on his chin just as another explosion shook the ship; the pain vibrated through his body, but that did not stop him from racing to the cockpit. He blasted through the door and held his ground as the woman from earlier struggled to pilot the ship. Grabbing the rim of her chair and turning her around, Darian stared the panic woman down. "You got some explaining to do!" Darian's attitude rocked the ship, causing the woman to sink a little bit lower in her chair. "Look. If you help get rid this guys, I'll tell you everything. Ok?" Darian had a hard time believing her, since she pistol whipped him and threw him in a closet. The ship again rocked back and forth, they were out of options. "Ok, ok. What do you need me to do?" Darian quickly agreed. "In the back of the ship, there's a room labeled 'Turret'. Go and shoot down as many ship as you can!" she commanded. The room was even smaller than the closet, but the buttons were pretty neat. As he adjusted the controls of the turret, Darian watched as the many cruisers gained in speed. They ranged in size and color, some of them were made for easy target practice while others would prove to be a real challenge for him. Taking aim, he unloaded upon the larger ships in the back, a couple went down easily as the turret sprayed a stronge volly of accelerated projectiles. As the guns cooled down, Darian noticed shooting between the fighters. Explosions rang out and different vessel were blown to shreds like mini supernovas. He relaxed in his seat for awhile until a true threat emerged from a cloud of smoke. Their shots were like guided missiles, and they were aiming right for the ship's thrusters. Darain frantically shot the incoming projectiles, but only manage to destroy two of them before a third one struck the ship hard. Rattling back and forth, the ship slowed down as the enemy ships zipped past them. Darian quickly left the turret and met up with his mystrious captor. "I tried." was all that slipped out. "It's fine. Sit, we will be at our destination soon. I'll....answer those questions now." she sounded gloom, but she took it lightly as she looked into Darian's eye. "Who are you and why have you dragged my tired self to...where are we?" "Edge of the Sol, past Pluto." she said. "You gotta be kidding. Just tell me what's going on." She sighed heavily and prepeared her answer in mere seconds, like she had been planing this for awhile. "My name is Riley Deardren and I'm am a seasoned bounty hunter. A few days ago, my brother contacted me with a issue of grave improtance. He had been kidnapped by Carter Slosser, one of the most notorious bounter hunters in the Sol System. Now unless I save him, he'll be killed." "And those other ships?" "Other bounty hunters. My brother...." she stopped, allowing for a small tear to stream down her face, "... is an important person who a lot of hunters would kill to murder. Those guys are after him as well as Carter, since he has a bounty of over 95,000 glimmer." "Hehe. Your playing around with some serious glimmer." Darian commented. She glare at him, warning him that this was no time for jokes. "Sorry, why do you need [i]my[/i] help?" "You are a guardian and your job is help those who need it, right? I couldn't trust anyone else in that bar to help me, they would probably end up killing me for the money. I saw you and decided that I need your asistance." A faint silence fell between the two of them as they drifted closer to a large asteroid. "I'll help you, but I want a cut of the profits." "I guess I do own you that much. Quater?" "Half." "Either you go with a quater or I'll leave you on that empty rock without a ride home. A quater and a free ride back to Earth, take it or leave it." "Fine, whatever. Let's just get to bashing heads and cracking skulls." Darian cofidently exclaimed. Riley nodded, a small smile exposed itself. The ship manage to somehow land on the space rock even in it's crummy state. After grabbing a couple of useful weapons, Darian and Riley walked onto the chilled surface. A few meters ahead of them lied a large base like fortress, nearby were a couple of the ships that had been chasing them previously. Flashes and twinkles brighten up the place as hunters and assassins clashed with each other to claim their awaiting prize. Watching from afar, Darian laughed to himself as those men and women threw themselves to their deaths. They began the short sprint to the front gate, which had been blasted open. There stood a bloody courtyard filled with bodies of the fallen and weapons that feasted for more action. Pillars alined the sides, allowing for tight passage ways. A rock monument was securely stapled in the middle of the yard, around it sat four corners of synthetic grass with a distinctive puke green color. They walked in and followed to the trail of dusty footprints to a sealed door. "Something's amiss." Riley commented. "Seems the fightin' move to another location." Dariam said, noting the sounds coming from behind the door. "Dead wrong!" a voice yelled loudly and a figure appeared from behind, a rifle was cradled in his arms. "Die!" "Look out!" Darian grab Riley and dove down to the ground, just barely dodging the spray of bullets. The hunter's shots were way off target because they actually struck another hunter on the opposite side of the yard. Suddenly, groups of hunters from all over began shooting at one another while Darian shielded Riley. Seeing her chance, Riley ran out from under Darian and sprinted towards the closest side with her hand cannon. The weapon launched shots of crackling fire and great power, her enemies never had chance. Joining her by hiding behind the monument, Darian unloaded his machine gun and took down a couple unsuspecting hunters in a matter of seconds. The fighting went on like this for awhile until some stragglers were left to fend for themselves. Rushing out of cover, Darian used his special powers to increase his strength and began sprinting towards the enemy at full force. "Here comes the Tank!" he shouted as he barreled through the remaining men, his punchs and kicks caused them to create craters in the walls. A final uppercut sealed the deal, launching the guy straight up into the roof of the yard and out into space, never to return again. "Score one for Darian, nada for the Baddies!" [b]Continues Below[/b]

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  • Edited by Eterteeter: 5/16/2014 1:30:13 AM
    He turned to face Riley, who had her hand cannon point right at his head. Darian began to place his hands into face, but the bullet had already tore through the airless void. He closed his eyes as his last thoughts were on his friends back on Earth. Seconds passed and the Tank was still standing, hands held high in the air. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dead body on the ground next to him, a patch of invisibility flicked from malfunction. Darian breathed a sigh of relief as he thought Riley would betray him twice. "I could've gotten him." "Thank me later, we need to save my-" The sealed down opened and two figures stepped out. Both were wearing sealed suits with dark colors and strange patterns. They looked friendly once they approached Darian and Riley, but they kept their rifles pointed at them. One of them, the larger one, stood in front of Darian and quickly observed him. Once finished, he lowered his gun and a hand came out in its place. Darian looked at him stupid and instead crossed his arms. "Strength in numbers my friend. Come, we work together and kill that slezzbag Slosser. The name's Shadow and thats Ratz." Shadow greeted himself. Ratz quietly nodded. "Riley and what was it, Darland?" Riley humorously asked. "Hey! It's-" "No time, whatever your name is. We must go, there are still more predators in there." Shadow bolted off into the complex, followed by Ratz and Riley. Darian stood there and debated stealing a ship. "Come on, Darland. Hehe." Riley said, putting emphasis on his new name. Darian rolled his eyes under his helmet and walked into through the door. Sneaking around the sides of a main hall, Darian keep his gun pointed at their guides, their weapons were in a relaxed position. He didn't trust them and the same vibe still resonated around Riley. As they walked through, the bodies of the glimmer hungry littered the room with a fresh coating of blood. A pair of double doors faced them, it's placement was hidden under the second story above and was also secluded by the stairs to the left. Ratz pushed the door opened and everyone braced themselves for whatever was waiting inside. The room shined in color and in beauty, the small columns of light perfectly accompanied the sun bright walls. Tables with white cloths laid underneath untouched plates and silverware. A large space was open for movement of the merry kind, a chilled glass chandler hung high above. The group walked towards the center of the room. "A Ball Room?" Shadow began humming classic old world melodies. "There's a door at the other end. Let's check there first before going upstairs." Riley suggested. They began walking towards said door, but Ratz stood in place. "You coming?" "No, I will be staying. But it's the end for you." he said. "Hahaha. Stop pulling my leg Ratz. We're going, come on." Shadow joked, but Ratz remained still. "You ok?" "It's over Shadow." Ratz pulled out his hand cannon and shot Shadow blankly in his chest. The bounty hunter fell backwards as the force the bullet lifted him off the ground. He cried out in pain as Ratz closed the gap, Darian and Riley were frozen in bewilderment. "Ratz! What are..y-you doing!?" Shadow barely spoke as his friend pulled the trigger over his head. Riley turned away and held on to Darian, who held his machine gun tightly. "Ratz!?" Darian shouted as Ratz pointed his gun at them, but then lowered it. "He was a infiltrator who was planing on killing you and me. I've been following him under the ruse Ratz for awhile now and he was planing some really...interesting things. I was planing to kill him, but we just happened to show up here with everyone else." he explained, "I am an agent for an mercenary group, we do good for the Sol." "Oh thank goodness. For a minute there, I thought you were going to kill us. Pheeew." Darian relaxed his pose as he stared at the vigilante. "Let's get moving, shall we?" "Its seems we have reached an impasse. She has a bounty on her head and you? Your just some guy who has the misfortune of being her slave. I must do my job and trust me, she isn't to be tr-." Ratz pointed the gun at the two, but suddenly collapsed after a loud poping noise. The two turned around towards the door in the back of the ball room and saw two more emerge from the door. One wore fancy clothing, but had little armor on. The other was the opposite, he looked battered and bruised. Darian could tell that that man meant business, it was time to get serious. The man began clapping slow while reaching for the other pistol at his waist, Riley held hers firmly and aim straight for the man. "Well done girl. You and your lackey have managed to wipe out my competition and your skills as a lier have greatly increased." "You can say that again." Darian muttered. "Give me back my brother or I'll kill you were you stand, Carter!" Riley barked. The man shook his head and started to laugh loudly. "Hahahaha! Did you really sucker in this poor fool? 'Give me back me my brother' , what a joke! Go ahead and betray him already." "Oh please, she's on my si-" Darian stopped once the sound of Riley's pistol changed its position. The gun was now pointed at him, while his gun was pointed at Carter. Darian shook his head. "Don't do this." "I'm sorry but I'm a bounty hunter first. That guy down there is not my brother, just another important political figure with a bounty for his head." she responded. Darian looked back at Carter. "I'll cut you a deal Guardian. You kill her and I'll let you go scot free with a ship and this poor gentleman right here, you can even claim the money for her death." Carter insisted. Darian was badly conflicted. Even if he couldn't trust the Hunter, he would have no reason to kill her. And their deal sounded much better than Carter's, but the whole situation was messed up. " What's it gonna be Guardian, her or him?" Darian couldn't take his stare off Riley. His head slightly dropped as a shot rippled through the air and struck her. Carter went for the second shot, but Darian's was faster. Carter fell to the Titan's bullet and the scene deescalated in the snap of a finger. The other man, whose legs and arms was tied up, came squirming towards him excitingly. Darian quickly untied the man, who was quick to thank him from saving his life. The two left the complex, but Darian just had to take a couple of possessions before he left. Picking up Carter's dead body, he placed him in one of the dead hunters ship and started up the engines. As he began to reach for the final buttons, his mind was went to Riley. He raced back outside and back into the ball room, grab her body, and placed it in one of the medical bunks within his ship. Turns out that she was still breathing, but she was only hanging by the littlest thread. Flipping the switches, the three bolted off to Earth. _______________________________________ The pile of freshly acquired glimmer made a loud thud noise once it hit the table. Darian smile was stretched on both ends as his friends looked at him speechless. "How did you get all this glimmer? There's like a good 22,000 in there." Alton's growing excitement enriched his voice. "I shot a couple of people, killed a infamous bounty hunter, saved a important man. You know, the works." Darian exclaimed, "There would have been much more, but I gave the rest away to somebody else." "Who? Hopeful it was for someone who truly deserved it." Melody asked. "Yeah, the person who helped me got most of the reapings. She's injured, so I thought I would do what's best." "So our friends got a heart after all." Alton chuckled. Darian gave him a light punch to the shoulder. "What's that supposed to mean!?" [b]End of Episode[/b] Well, there's another one done. It's little late but given the circumstances that happened over the weekend, I had little time. Luckily, I did get a great start on the next three episodes which is amazing. Anyways, feedback is welcomed. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Tune in for the next episode, as the Group switched thing up a bit when it comes to their roles. Link for other episodes:

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