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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Eterteeter: 5/16/2014 1:37:13 AM

Fluke Episode 6: A Birthday Surprise

Fluke Episode 6: A Birthday Surprise [i]Pop pop, pop pop pop![/i] "Surprise!" Melody shielded her face for a quick second before looking back at the small room. She felt a warming breeze touch and comfort her all over, as well as an uninvited awkwardness. She looked around at the faces of friends and other guardians whose big bright smiles enhanced their already cheery attitudes. Colorful streamers and balloons ran across the whole room while tables were decorated with extravagant cloths. In the middle of the room was a beautiful cake with a certain number of shining candles. Of corse; at the center of it all was Alton and Darian, their smiles were extremely appealing. They motioned for her to come inside, for they nor any one else would bite. She hesitantly stepped in, her eyes strangely looked away from them. "Happy Birthday Melody." Alton happily said. "Yeah, Happy Birthday to the best Huntress around." Darian said. Melody gave them a faint smile. It was the kind of expression that meant good intentions, but something was eating away at her mood. She looked towards the floor for help as the large frosting covered cake was rolled in front of her. She counted the candles with a hint of dismay, each year of her journey was represented by a flickering orange flame. They reminded her of simpler times along with the good and the bad, the comforting and the uneasiness. Most of her emotions were drained from her body and an annual empty void took root deep in her chest. The party goers' glimmering faces only made it worse. "So, do you like it?" Alton asked curiously. "You're so hard to surprise, guess a Hunter always needs to be on their toes." Darian stated confidently, but he slightly flinched. He expected some kind of reaction from Melody, but she did nothing. She stared blankly at the birthday cake with a sad frown. "Melody? You ok?" Alton asked his dazed friend. Like a switch, the supressed memories and utter despair made it's place inside the Huntress. "I...I-I'm sorry." her light apology faded into a whisper as tears began to form. She walked out of the room with her head down while everyone watched in confusion. The door accidentally slammed behind her, adding more insult to injury. She quickly picked up her pace and rounded a corner as she heard the door open behind her. Melody slipped away without leaving much of a trace, fractured tear drops fell to mark what little tracks she made. Alton and Darian raced out of the room and scanned the hall distraughtly. Their friend disappeared without even explaining herself; she might have not been one to display her emotions, but something about her strange behavior concerned them greatly. "Melody, wait! Where'd ya go?" Darian yelled after her. "Let's go after her and quick before everyone else eats the cake." Alton said. Darian nodded his head and the two rushed off around the nearest corner. The breeze welcomed her with open arms and she accepted them. The setting sun began to say it's final farewells to her as she sat on the edge of a rooftop. It was one of her favorite spots in the City, the different hours of light captured the Traveler's essence and magnified it's ancient appearance. The buildings around her began to light up beautifully on cue along with a fountain in a local park below her. Nobody notice her or the dangling pair of legs swaying back and forth, their minds were on other matters. The scene of her rude removal played back over and over like a holographic recording, much emphasis went on her first and only statement. [i]I...I-I'm sorry.[/i] She could never really explain why she dreaded this day, maybe it was all of the past ones where she celebrated alone. She had nothing back then and the fact became more apparent as she matured. Abandoned and lost, without a home or loved ones. Her young stature could do nothing but hum that blissful tune and blow out what little flame she could, her birthday wish never faltered, never changed. [i]I wish...for a happy birthday.[/i] she secretly wished, another tear dropped to the earth below. "I thought I might find you up here." an informal tone greeted her. The Warlock sat next to the Huntress, they said nothing. The setting sun was slowly becoming a wandering star, the warry moon was ready to take it's place. "Alton, please just leave me alone. I'm sorry but...I need to by myself for awhile." she reasoned. The Warlock raised a brow. "You always act like this once your birthday rolls around." "I know." "If there's something you want to talk about, you can tell us." "No Alton, I can't!" she lashed out but Alton did not stir. "I'm..I'm sorry." "Its ok. But my thoughts still stand." "I understand. It's personal Alton, I don't want you or Darian worrying about me. I'll get by." she corrected him. "Please be carful, Melody." Alton handed her a present and left her to sit by her lonesome. He stopped his casual walk, "I saved you a slice of cake." Melody looked down and sure enough, a lit candle above a slice of flavored cake rested next to her. Once she was sure Alton left, she picked up the cake and blew out the tiny flame. Her wish still remained the same as it had for so many years. The icing was her favorite, smooth and sweet. But the memories were as bittersweet as ever, and that was something that she could never stomach. ____________________________________ She was little, little and afraid. Her tiny fingers covered her mouth as she watch in horror the disgustingness that was her home. Ablaze, the houses were covered in the gripping flames. She watched as innocent men fought off devilish creatures, they would not last at this rate. Women and children scattered to meet up with each other in the frenzy that was a courtyard. In front of her were two figures that she recognized instantly as her parents. They stared back at her with frowns of grave disappointment. The Mother's sight was on something in the distance as blade impaled her in the chest. She fell right beside the frightened little girl. The creature responsible was made of a solid black mass and a dark vapor enveloped it's menacing shadow. The creature and the girl faced the man, he grimly eyed his daughter. She could only mouthed his parental title, for she was too scared to even make a noise. [i]This is all your fault.[/i] The Father spoke to his daughter one last time, his statement wounded the little girl. The creatures then stabbed the man and he collapsed right in front of her. With his last little ounce if life, he angrily turned to his daughter. [i]Melody....get ou..t. You've caused enough trouble for all of us.[/i] The little girl bawled out crying as her father kept that same resentful expression all the way to his grave. She pleaded for him to come back to her, but it was too late for him. [i]Daaaaddddyyyy![/i] ______________________________________ "Aaaugh aaaugh!" Melody woke up screaming, her breathing was erratic. She franticly looked around her dark room expecting something the monster from her dream to be standing over her but she was completely alone. She continued to calm her breathing as the images of her father's dark stare attacked her frail mental state . She couldn't take it, the tears began to flow unrestrictedly. The doorknob rattled and turned to allow dim light from the outside to trickled in. In the doorway was a distraught Alton. "I heard screaming, are you ok?" All Melody could do was nod, her ability to speak was locked away by her unconscious senses. Alton came over to her bed side and sat on the edge. He looked at her worryingly. "It was just a dream." "No, it was....a nightmare." her breathing stabilized and her mind spoke for itself. Alton got up and walked to the door. "Alton?" "Yes?" he stopped under the threshold and stared back at her. "Can you.....stay with me? Just until I fall asleep." the thought had crossed her mind but her brain disagreed. Alton stood there for a moment, both their hearts were racing. He hesitated, but he walked over to the bed. He climbed in at the edge and stretch his legs out while leaning his back up against the wall of her room. Melody hesitated as well, but choose to snuggle up against Alton. She laid her head down in his chest and listened to his soothing heartbeat. The two said nothing, the moment was amateurish for the both of them. But this was something she needed and she was grateful for her friend's acceptance. Alton resisted an urge, but he found himself slowly stroking her hair and peacefully staring at her sleeping form. She did not back away from his touch. "Thank you." she whispered. ______________________________________ His eyes opened quickly at the sound of a hard knock. Turning towards the door, Alton saw Darian standing there with a frying pan. His mischievous looks scared Alton until he realized where he was at. He was still in Melody's room, but she was nowhere to be found. He took up the whole space of her bed, his body was stretched all over the soft cot. The embarrassment flooded in which caused the Warlock to blush and quickly get to his feet. "Morning Sleeping Beauty." he said with a big grin. Alton rolled his eyes at his friend. [b]Continues Below[/b]

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  • "You are not to speak of this, you hear? Wait, you aren't thinking what I think you're thinking, 'cause thats definitely not what you think it is!" Alton tried to reason, but his friend was smarter than he looked. "Righhhttt." he stupidly said, he couldn't help but laugh for a minute before controlling himself. "She's outside. I made her birthday lunch without you, so thanks for helping. Come, drown your embarrassment in some food'." Alton nodded and followed his friend to the living space they all shared. The space they occupied was one of the many choices a guardian could make, different size dorms made it possible for a small number of earth's finest to rest easy with their teammates. Their dormitory contained an amazing view of the cityscape from a well positioned balcony. It was there that the Huntress stood in her relaxed uniform. She leaned with her crossed arms resting on the guard rail and her messy hair flowing freely in the light breeze. Alton found himself inertly staring at her from afar. "She been like that for a awhile now. I know today is her birthday, but I'm not reheating her lunch." Darain walked by Alton. "Kinda scaring me, she always gets this way every year. I wonder why?" "Actually, I think I might know. I going to need your help, on a very serious level." "Roger that." Darian eagerly saluted, but he accidentally hit his head with the metal pan. "Ouch." "Alright Captain Cookware, let's talk in private." Alton and Darian walked off. "We'll be right back Melody." Darian said. Melody continue to overlook the City, she was a frozen statue. "If you're ok with that, then don't move." "Cut the jokes Darian. Just go already." she spoke but nevered turned to address them. Her strong hint was ever so obvious. The men conversed for awhile and returned to the melancholy guardian, who finally began eating her cold lunch. She picked at her favorite food with an unwavering inactiveness. She suddenly got up and grabbed the plate of food, her emotions were hidden by the many strands of loose hair. She walked past them without saying a single word. The men turned just in time to see her disappear into her shady room. A tidal wave of sorrow collided and left a bitter hole in the men's hearts. The time was now. Hours passed as Melody laid on her side on her bed, her eyes were focused on the relaxing view from the bedroom window. Her sheets were soaked with many tears of regret. She had finally controlled herself, but another wave threatened to erupt the more she thought about it. Her mind consumed the images like how she ate her birthday lunch. Compared to the food, the shattering scenes of death and destruction tasted more unpleasant than Darian's cooking. She gripped her sheets tightly as her emotions clashed with each other, bottling them was failing to get her anywhere. A knock at the door interrupted the mental battle and an armistice permitted the use of rational thought. She opened her door slowly but never lifted her head. She could see the shiny silver armor of a Titan and the rugged robes of a Warlock. A frown slipped on the Huntress' lips. "Please just go without me." "Gear up, no weapons. Just wear something nice and bring a flower or two." the Warlock spoke and then walked away, the Titan followed. Melody stood still, the questions already began to add up. "We'll be at the hanger bay." Melody did as the flinty Warlock said and dressed in her hunter garbs, she wasn't really sure what else to wear. She left her room and strangely, on table were a set of orange flowers. She picked them up and walked over to the balcony, one last look would do her some good. The Huntress arrived at the [i]Celeritaren[/i] and sure enough, the Warlock and Titan were waiting in the cockpit. They directed her to the cabin in the back and told her to stay put, their destination could not be compromised. The ride was a little shaky for her but they managed to land within a hour. The Warlock appeared and lead the Huntress off the ship, her eyes were instructed to remain closed for unknown reasons. The land around them , like everything else in the wasteland, was barren. Grass was steadily growing in large patches were fires burned long ago, a sure sign that the land was healing. Crumbling buildings alined the empty plots of untouched earth. As they walked through a square, a large oak tree met them at the center. The Huntress stopped at the Warlock's command and her earlier instructions were replaced with clearer ones. Melody opened her eyes and immediately couldn't see much, her tears blurred her vision. A small graveyard surrounded them, marked tomb stones etched with the names of the fallen had endured the natural aging process. She read the names, most were familiar to her expect for two. She looked at the two guardians at her side and their expressions were emotionless. She opened her mouth but a jumble of whimpers came out. "W-why?" she barely asked. The answer came from the Warlock. "You talk in your sleep and I heard enough to make my own assumptions. You had just turned a significant age, one in which your judgement skills were not truly developed. You still believe that you are the cause of everyone's death and the death of your younger self. It's a hard burden to bear." he spoke monotonously, "We are sorry if this is wrong, but we felt that bringing you here might help." "My parents' grave." she said. "We'll be in the ship when your ready to leave." the Titan commented. "It was all my fault. I'm the reason they're down there. I-I got them killed." she began rambling while the two guardians watched, "My parents. I've put them through hell and yet, they stood by me. I felt neglected and I...ran away, I was fed up on my own birthday. I picked up a beacon on my way back, my curiosity got the better of me." "Melody?" the Warlock softy called her name. "The beacon was on a scout, they....were searching for the ones who killed the scout. I lead them to my village and they came after me. Innocents slaughtered like cattle, my parents.....right in front of me. That scared little girl should have never saw her parents die right in front of her! They told me they loved me and for the first time, I-I truly loved them back!" she slowly began to cry out. The Titan's hand went for her shoulder but the Warlock's hand caught his. "Melody?" the Warlock carefully asked. The tears began to flow from the eyes of the Huntress. "I can't even bring myself to look at them, let alone their graves. They put up with my trouble while I felt misunderstood, alone even. I've spent so many birthdays by myself, asking for the same dam thing every year!" "Please, stay and make up. We will leave when you are ready to go." with that, the Warlock and Titan left the Huntress. She continued to just stare and let the crystalline tears fall. The sun made it's final rounds and followed the celestrial clock, the mountains held out their hands as if they were ready to catch the descending star. Two orange flowers rocked in the setting breeze, the grace in their message was ever so present in the colors in the sky. She sat on her knees and stared at the flowers on the mound of dirt. Her thoughts jumped out of away and the many caged emotions took over. "I don't have words to even begin to express myself, but I'll try. It's my fault and I think.... I've finally come to terms with it. That day, you choose to save me because you loved me. Even after all the things I've done to hurt you, you've remained unscathed through it all. I wasn't your perfect little girl, I get that and I'm sorry. I have failed you and now your lives are gone." "But we've never left." a voice surfaced from the whispers of the fainting breeze, it was familiar yet hardened. "We've lived and we continue to do so through you, Melody." another familiar voice, wise and loving. "....Mother? Father?" she mumbled between the sniffles. "You are our good girl, we see it everyday through you and your friends. Do not doubt yourself, you have done nothing wrong." her father's words struct her. "You have done nothing to make us feel angry or disappointed. The whole village agrees on this." Melody's mother confirmed. "Mother, I'm sorry..for everything." "Don't be. We should apologize to you. We lacked the ability to give you the love that you desperately needed and thus, we unintentionally pushed you away. You have suffered because we have failed you and for that, we also apologize." "Know that you are never alone, your friends already prove this fact. They believe in you just as much as you do them, their love for you is a bond that can never be broken. As for us, our guidence and light is always with you. Promise us to never query this." "I promise." [b]Little Tiny Bit Left[/b]

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