[quote]Gt rise divine must be at least 300 I have scarab and 319[/quote] I need help
[u][b]G3T OFF YA T3LT[/b][/u] We are a new pvp focused clan with the goal of becoming a top tier recognised pvp clan. We want to build our members into the top pvp players. This clan was created to build up a reliable & Non toxic pvp community, in which members can run trials and sweats. No more LFG. We are alliances with AGG and Undying Legion of Light & Night. Must be 17yrs old and up unless you Chuck Norris good and prepared to be tested. Not for those with no sense of humour and negative attitudes. Keep it real and respectful. Admins have rights of acceptance reserved. [b]You will be asked for your pvp stats.[/b] Clan Tag requirements: - Have Scarab emblem - 1,5kd overall - Be mature and have a sense of humour. No tilt or raging!! - Will be interviewed by admin https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1470894
Oh oh pick me.
Need two good players for trials 315+ looking for flawless
I'm looking for 2 people who wouldn't mind helping me go flawless or at least get to 7 wins. I made it to 6 wins last night but then got tanked. I'm not horrible, just need some help as I don't play pvp all the time. I will be on around 5pm central time comment on my post if you want to help. XBOX ONE Thanks!
Hey! I need a team for trials carries. 315 hunter. Can hold my own. Ps4 Wolf_boy_nero
I'm a 314 Titan trials xp just never been flawless gt thelagisreal21