TAC Flash
Trails carry plz
GT Error Complex. Would love a carry to the Lighthouse. Please Help.
x9inWARRIORx gt if u get the chance.never been to the lighthouse
Hey rise 318 warlock that would be thrilled if carried
Hey man any chance you're doing carries at the moment?
Be on in twenty minutes
Gamer tag:BattlemanJ32
302 Titian never been to lighthouse please help
314 hunter looking for help on trials
Trails? MA55xXxC4RN4GE
315 Titan looking to go flawless
319 warlock or hunter, I've never been flawless and i would love it if someone could carry me Psn ps4 wilstar3
316 hunter, 312 Titian, 313 warlock never been flawless could use help next trials
I don't want to be carried, a few pointers and some positive criticism . If you can lend a hand then let me know. Cheers.
318 lock with a 6-0 card I need to finish
Choctaw 907 please
maxpain844 plz
are you still getting on to help or nah
Can u help ME too XB1 Same Gamertag :)thx
MustardButton53 If you wouldn't mind helping me I would be very grateful
I am trying to get carried with a flawless win. My gamertag is chaospaladin25
Need 2 to try flawless add cuttsy2015