Anyone want to help me get to the lighthouse? -rbrtburke
Hey guys. If you're looking for a person to help you go flawless message BCovaWantTo23. He's an amazing player and he's not a douche either. He's been helping people go flawless every week. Send him a message on xbox one.
Looking for 2 people to take me to lighthouse I an ok player 7.0 is my best if u can help that would be great
Looking for a carry ( im on ps4)
Please help im just getting back on destiny and am 292 hunter I haven't gone flawless in year two yet
I'll be on all day 320 hunter looking for flawless
I am a 309 light Titan that has never been to the lighthouse before
303 hunter never been flawless I want go flawless one time GT above invite if you need another player
316 Titan trying to go flawless really need help never been to the lighthouse
Edited by slakrzhost: 3/8/2016 1:09:37 AMHey rise im an experienced pve player lookong for one time carry / learning exp we don't even have to go flawless just want to take a shot at some cool gear and ill be more than happy to help u with anything pve related never mind I'm on ps4
I need help going flawless I have. All 319 characters
Make it happen captain me and my buddy or just me. Message me at imbv23
Eskylie 316 lock need good group have been to the tower once
I have a buddy. We are both good players. 1.1 KD but no lighthouse to be had yet. GT Grinead OConnor
316 hunter lfg
Gt same
307 hunter in desperate need of a carry. Would be greatly appreciated. Gt same
The Procter 315 warlock 1.4kd
Carried plz
GT Error Complex. The Lighthouse is the only thing I have left to do. Please Help!
318 fast Rez self Rez needs to be carried
Hey, I'm your regular joe here with a regular 1.0KD. Looking to find two chilled people who would be up for doing bounties/trying to get the chest/Scout. I'm an OK player - know my callouts and not a lone-wolf player. Will be on in 15 minutes if anybody is interested? Leave your GT and I'll add you when I get on. Thanks!
Can u carry me self Rez fast Rez 318 warlock
If your looking for help in trials on on Xbox one come follow stunshy at www.twitch.tv/stunbottv he has gotten 308+ viewers flawless he is the best streamer around.he helps everyone please come give him a follow. Please go and watch his Destiny video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IHwrvAz7aI&feature=youtu.be
Edited by Weavester: 3/5/2016 8:25:27 AM317 Titan Looking for a team to do some trials. Wouldn't mind going to the lighthouse but if I don't it's no biggie
Can anyone here carry me to the lighthouse? I've never seen it before. Invite I am SuperSonic