[quote]I wanna join the group.. I need destiny partners on xbox 1...message me there...[/quote] Deaconfred420
Sounds good - always up for whatever get same
You can add me and if you're interested in my building joined the clan. we knock out the raid every week. The challenge is on lockdown. and we got over 100 members in the clan And there always somebody on. Gt is the same
Yo can I add you? I've been looking for people to play with as well, most of my friends haven't upgraded to next gen.
Clan Recruitment: My clan name is The Raw Bunch. Just request to join our clan and you should be accepted. We are a PvP based clan. We run on XBOX ONE. We do year 1 raids every week and play a lot of 3v3 based playlists. Message KingJayes9 if you have any questions.
Hmu I'm down for anything. My gt is iornman44