Add Winston gunther down to play whenever
Yo bra vertex robot
I play at night usually after 1030pm so if u wanna link up add me Gt- babyymassacre
Hey you can add me I'll help with mostly everything on here gt is Nu RedeyesJedi8 and that goes for anyone looking for new friends idc about age, accent, etc
I am downloaden aß well. Just add me. But 4 2 Day i am out c u tomorrow Gt: coca0816
Yo, I'll play with you. GT: Are You Nasty
Add me drkstryder
THE BAKEDPATATO ADD me up looking for people to game with also
Add me demcboys81. Doing the same thing
Down to help gt xREDWOOD420x
Added you
[quote]Hey guys just getting back into Destiny after 4 months off. Looking for friends to play with. I'm 308 warlock on my main and want to level up 3 characters. Down for anything! GT is KUHNCATS just send me a request.[/quote] I will be ur friend
Can add me if you want, I'm about to log off for the night, but I play destiny a lot, usually alone. GT is MissBeccaJo
Hit me up im always on
I am looking for people to do challenge of the elders. Gt same as above. 326 lock here
Gamertag: MyOldCookie
[quote]Hey guys just getting back into Destiny after 4 months off. Looking for friends to play with. I'm 308 warlock on my main and want to level up 3 characters. Down for anything! GT is KUHNCATS just send me a request.[/quote] Hey man you can add me
Hey man. Freemonk262
Just starting to play the new story mode if you want to join
You can add me GT is Regius Eques.