DE4TH and Cortana are going to be the next two moderators, calling it.
I joined the red team and can make it to the June 15th game. I'm super stoked.
Looks like a lot of fun. Also, Blue Team >>>
Hey guys, I want be able to join the Halo 4 games. Selling it this week, as my Xbox is near death. Halo 3 is really old, so there is no use of selling that; and I have a digital version of Reach. So don't count me out of the Carnage, just don't expect me on week 5 or any other weeks pertaining to Halo 4.
Red Team for me. Also where is the sign up at?
Edited by YellowFlash01: 6/7/2013 8:16:47 PMPut me on red team my gt D1mitrisGR
Edited by G7kherc: 6/7/2013 6:43:17 PMDeath, do I have to start on the 15th. Can I join in at like...25th...or July. Do I have to come on every day or just when I feel like it?
Red Team Master Race
First come first serve? Ehh...when I opened the thread I was hoping for some bracket type stuff or something.
Can't be certain I'd be online/available for these, but if I am I'll be sure to join in. As a red, of course, I have standards.
Blue team or bust
go red team!!
Sounds fun! But unfortunately I won't be home on the 15th and I don't think my Halo 3 disc reads so well anymore :/
no tankz
They're not all going to be on weekends, are they?
I'd like to join Blue team, but how do I officially confirm it? Also I take it we won't all have to be present every week and it's a first come first serve thing, because I can't make the first date.
Bump? Bump. Yep this is a Bump. Bump here can confirm. IAMA Bump ask me anything. What are you? I AM A BUMP.
You guys better remind me of this. This sounds great!
Blue Team all the way. Reminds me of that Bungie Day we went something like 0-8. Time for vengeance.
Edited by MongotheDread: 6/5/2013 8:14:10 PMI don't think I have a choice of teams. >_>
I'll go on Blue Team. Have you decided what games will be in our arsenal?
I'd love to join in on this. Red team for the win!