Hipi was a flat out beast.
Edited by Braydzz: 7/6/2013 9:07:51 PMSorry for the late application but we got together a team of 3 and I think we got in second.. With: Braydzz The Prodigy7x Verified
Help I need an invite GT PRODIGYxMvP
Games will begin in less then thirty minutes. Everyone please start preparing and be ready to accept invites soon. If you are in my lobby I am online and will be sending out invites now, and in fifteen minutes. Team captains please be ready! If any issues are encountered please message me here on Bnet. I will have my laptop logged in and my phone should send me alerts in case I miss something on here. Scores will be posted in the OP after each game.
When will the invites be sent
Practising right now!
Please note that the second fire-teams from each team are gone, and instead there is a third, purple team. Since we were unable to fill four lobbies we're going to go with a third, tie breaker team. In the event that the Red/Blue team tie, we'll use individual scores from the purple team to break said tie. That being said, if the two teams manage to tie, especially after my score modifiers, I will eat something unpleasant.
And anyone wanna play halo3 customs after?
I would love to, but I'm from Australia,
Edited by A Forum Cop: 7/5/2013 2:45:47 PMCan we change fire team My to fire team Zulu, or Omega, or something like that? Not a huge deal, but it would be appreciated.
Looking for three more Red team and three more Blue team members. To those of you who volunteered to be team captains, plenty thanks! You'll be receiving a PM from me either today or tomorrow with further directions.
[quote]first games will begin at 12:00pm PDT[/quote] [quote]The second game will begin at 12:00pm PDT, after a 15 minute intermission.[/quote] What? I'm assuming the second game is at 1:00pm PDT... Red Team GT:MartinOfRedwall not a captain.
GT: Verified Camper Blue Team
Edited by Player3Th0mas: 7/5/2013 9:24:11 AMAs always! [b]Player3Th0mas[/b], team balancer. (Have been [b]red [/b]the past few BSLs) Up for captain when nobody in my squad wants to be one.
GT PRODIGYxMvP Um...Blue team.
Edited by A Forum Cop: 7/5/2013 1:36:51 AMGT: TubbierPainter Blue team Edit: I can be a captain.
GT: Braydzz Blue Team I could probably be a captain.
Edited by Bloodylaser: 7/5/2013 12:02:30 AMGT: Bloodylaser, Red Team, and I'm not comfortable being a team captain EDIT: ignore this i already posted below it didn't show up when it posted so yeah
Red Team GT: Oudsemap Don't really feel like being a team captain.
Edited by Bloodylaser: 7/4/2013 11:54:32 PMGT: Bloodylaser, Red team sign me up, and I'm not comfortable being a team captain
This sounds Awesome! I have some figuring to do to see if I can participate...