Looks like Halo Reach might get a population boost
10/10 would attend
I'll let you know if I can do it soon.
I got this!
The annoying but sadly necessary bump subthread starts here.
Edited by Progo: 6/9/2014 7:12:29 PMIf only League of Legends...
I'm in :) JTS
Unfortunately I wont be able to participate in this one because my Xbox Live ran out and I don't really play on my Xbox anymore. However I had great times last year but try to balance the teams so red wins at least once? Here's something I made last year but never got a chance to show you.
Edited by Ghost 0f Dawn: 6/9/2014 5:02:42 AM[i]Do I get a Marathon: Durandal Shotgun deathmatch to destroy everyone in again?[/i] _________________________________________________________________________________ But in reality, totally awesome, and I would absolutely love to help out if needed. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend Saturday since I will be going all the way upstate to pick up my XBL buddy from the airport to meet him, as he is staying with me for a month (So Exite!). Let me know if you need help.
I'm excite.
I was part of the team that won last year.
I choose whichever team Death is on
[quote]Bungie Summer League[/quote] But it's spring...
Sounds fun :)
Thanks for the effort man. Bump ^
> Doesn't have Xbox Live Tears. Tears everywhere.
Count me in, but I probably won't be available until about two weeks from now.
> Being in France fow work > Not having my xbox > Not having my laptop :((((((
Looks interesting. Can't wait to get my rectum split open by the community in Reach.
Really wish I could but I can't. I'll be in Florida.
seems cool.
Do we need a mic to participate?