Cmon blue team.
What is this?
Round 5 had Red Team almost win, only for our Elephant to experience a glitch, flip, and fling our flag holder half way across the map and let Blue Team score twice.
Sorry about leaving after round 3 :(
GG Blue Team! They win Round 4 and this week's point!
Blue Team wins Round 3!
Red Team wins Round 2!
Blue Team wins Round 1!
Hey, probably can't make it. So you're gonna have to give my spot to someone else.
Okay, I'll be sending out invites momentarily. Here's what we'll be playing today! (Most likely followed by whatever customs we feel like.) [quote]Team Slayer on The Pit Assault on Standoff One Bomb on Last Resort Team KOTH on Narrows CTF on Sand Trap[/quote]
Alright you guys, we're starting in a few minutes! We still have some slots left, so feel free to sign up if you have not already! Here's who is playing: [quote][u]Red Team:[/u] Lashghost (Lashghost) xXNA7EXx (QuirkyNate) A Cosmic Cat (Space Cat) CRISCO 8828 (CRISCO 8828) Bloodylaser (Bloodylaser) [u]Blue Team:[/u] DE4THINC4RN4TE (DE4THINC4RN4TE) [Host] DOMINICAN0808 (DoubleBantLuis) Noble Six One (Mereel N7) ateev12 (Unden1able Swag) Sly lnstinct (Sly lnstinct)[/quote]
Anyone wanna play matchmaking in the mean time? I can't find a decent match in doubles.
It's 2:45 pm est.
Edited by Fallen Hero: 8/2/2014 3:39:20 PMSly Instinct (The big "i" in instinct is a small L cause some 0 gamerscore silver account Australian honkey took and never used the account). I don't care which team I'm on I fill in any gaps.
I'll play GT is : ateev12 Blue team
Bump it!
So bump, we meet again….
Sure GT: Bloodylaser Red Team
I'd play but all that Halo 3 lag...
GT: CRISCO 8828 Red Team
Just bumped my head and realize I can't play. This sucks.
Me!!!!!! I want in!
I wish I could join but I probably won't be awake for this awesomeness(my sleep is all over the place right now). If I am up I'll join in on the games, it doesn't matter which team. GT: xXNA7EXx
This will be fun :D
Blue Team GT: Noble Six One. In before turning the tables on Sandtrap again.
Blue Gt: DOMINICAN0808