In Multitudine Virtutis
"Never fight Alone"
originally posted in:In Multitudine Virtutis
The Expectations in this Clan are Simple.
1. Have Fun
2. Make Friends
3. Do your Best
These have always been my expectations and will continue to be them. Due to recent events I am forced to add some more Expectations for this clan, I hate to do this but having seen that most of you are new to MMO's I will make this clear.
1. [b]No Whining! [/b] MMO's have a little thing called RNG (Random Number Generator). If you have never encountered it before then i'll give a quick explination. RNG is basically how MMO's Decide how gear will be dropped. It has a list of items and from those items you have a % based chance they will drop. This means that you WILL NOT get all the gear that you want very easily.. it takes Weeks of farming or even months to get the specific item you're looking for. For mine and you're clan mates sanity I would appreciate it if I didn't hear endless complaining about how much this game sucks and it never gives you what you want. Or in some recent cases complaining about getting Vault of Glass gear because you only got 1 legendary piece..... I understand that sometimes people get frusterated but please don't ruin others gaming experience because of your feelings toward the game. Under the catagory of Whining here are some specifics. 1. Don't complain about gear (it will come eventually), Don't complain about Raid content (we'll get it down), Do not Complain about not being invited to a raid (with 31 members it will be hard to get everyone into a VoG over the week). If you can't make it on a day that everyone else can then i'm sorry but we'll have to schedule on the day that MOST people can make it.
This does not apply to crucible gameplay because lets be honest 98% of the time its complete bullshit and 2% of the time the player who killed you was just better.
2. Because this happened this week I am forced to make this clear to all people wanting to raid. [b] If you ask to be invited to a raid early in the week, SHOW UP TO THE FREAKING RAID! [/b]This means that if you message me "Hey Fiives, I would like to go to the raid this week", I have Reserved you a spot and plan on you being there. So you realize my Disappointment when i log on this weekend and we have people who I reserved spots for not there... I want you guys to know that when I reserve you a spot it means that i have told all 25 other members that we are already full for the week and that we can't fit them in. This also means that if you are going to bail and run with your friends..... THEN RUN WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND NOT US... (I understand that everyone has friends they want to play with but if the majority of your raiding is going to be with them then don't ask us to take you into vault of glass.) First point is that we are a progression based clan and we will gear people up IF they are going to raid with us regularly and help THIS CLAN progress. If you feel that you are going to be raiding with your friend then Raid with your friend. We are not going to gear you up if you are simply going to bail on us almost every week so that you can raid with your friends.... This becomes pointless for us when we could be gearing up someone who will help US progress and not their friends.
3. [b]If you show up to a raid, Then Raid[/b]...... this is self explanatory. Over the past few raids we've had people go AFK WHILE WE ARE FIGHTING! Please if you make a commitment then follow through with it, its simple but its also an expectation.
These are the Two things i noticed most this week and i really hope we can all be adults so that i don't have to throw any more expectations on this forum. If you have any questions message me in game @Fiiveslol or on the clan site.
In Multitudine Virtutis
Clan Founder