Hi my name is mean sea. You may not know me but can I join ?? I only want to play with the best. Heard you guys are pretty good. Das boot!!!!!!!!
On PS4 and game at random times around the clock.
On regular varying times gt jeanluk1 ps3
Ryanad99 ps4 play weekends and night
On most evenings around 7pm PST with Monday/Tuesday's off currently. Tyyrshand PS3 Always down to help, just not active on forums anymore due to time. I check them quickly at work while on break.
ewm1971 playing daily on PS4
piotrowski204 - PS3 Titan and Hunter level 34. i will run anything. I just like to shoot things
play most days when time permits, tag: mrsaskatchewan system: xbox one
Playing daily on ps4 Raccoon_one
Hi rivel357 always looking for some control nf weekly ect
I'm a regular. PS3 Jax0725 Lvl 34 Hunter Around 9 pm eastern