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originally posted in:The Vanguardians
10/1/2013 4:32:41 AM

The Art of the Lone Wolf

Hello All I'm back and this week it's time to talk about something that is so overhated and something that takes alot of skill. That's right we are talking about the are of the Lone Wolf. No one likes the lone wolf because they are normally not team players and they normally can make our brake your team. A good Lone Wolf can make a good team great, but a bad one will only weigh you down. The reason why people hate lone wolfs so much is because there are so may lone wolfs that don't know what they are doing and end up weighing down there team. There are things that lone wolfs must do if they want to be good. 1. You have to be smart - When I say smart I mean you must account for everything at anytime. You must account for any situation and expect the unexpected. Learn flanking routs, sniper points and ambush spots. Never get caught out of position and never get flanked from behind. You have to keep thinking and stay on your toes. Think of the worse possible out come and plan for it. Being Smart also applies for multiplayer. You have to be smart enough to know when to support your team by either flanking a team by yourself or joining your team and helping them take a point. 2. Stealth is your friend - You are playing by yourself so make uses if your surrounding and use stealth whenever you can. There is no shame is just sneaking past the enemy if they outnumber you greatly. There is no shame in only using your knife to take out enemies. And there is no shame in attacking your enemy from afar. Use bushes, Shadows, whatever you can to hide your presence and not be seen. 3. Learn How to use EVERY type of gun - That's right, I said every type of gun. If you are going to Lone Wolf then you need to be fluent in every weapon. You need to know when to sure a SMG and not a Shotgun. The difference between a hand cannon and a pistol. The difference between an assault rifle and a Scout rifle. Learn each weapon and what situation they work best in. 4. A Suppressor is your best friend - A suppressor keeps you hidden from your enemy and makes you a vary hard target to find. Suppressors are a lone wolfs best friend. 5. Know your role - In Multiplayer matches, make sure you know your role and what you need to do. If you are playing with a really good team DONT mess us there flow. Support them by flanking and helping them out indirectly. If you aren't alone then dont play like you are. Likewise if you are playing with a team that is not good then be a force. Run the game and control the choke points on the map. 6. Camping is a good thing - There I said it. There is no real shame in camping as a lone wolf. It's an effective strategy if the other team can't stop it. If you are getting 15 or 20 kills by staying in one place then why would you move. Don't let anyone tell you that camping is for noobs. That's all for tonight. Add anything you like to add. My next threads are going to be on weapons and how to effectually. If you want me to do a curtain class of weapon first then post it in the comment area. Töten oder getötet werden

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  • You forgot to be resourceful ( tip from pro soloer

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    • Howl at the moon, or in this case The Traveller.

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    • In some FPS games I've learned how to execute my own one-man pincer attack...albeit with the help of Mr. Grenade.

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      • Some times I let the enemy take a goal if they have more fire power. Then when they leave I just crawl in and take it again.

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      • What game are you even referring to ?

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        2 Replies
        • Thanks for tips man I was wanting to be a lone wolf atleast in the beginning, then I think I might find a fire team, my plan is to learn the basics in the beginning and find a play style I like then join a team that kinda suits me but I'm still figuring out wat I should do

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          • lol

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          • [quote]Töten oder getötet werden[/quote] What are you trying to establish with your German?

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            21 Replies
            • Faaaaaaanbooooooooy!!!!!!

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              4 Replies
              • I can only go lone wolf if I have a shotgun to over my ass. Otherwise I love coordinating with a team.

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              • 1
                Again, I have awaited the German. Schnellen sieg, bruder

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                • well, camping isn't very wolf like...

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                  • Thank you for putting that out there I have been a lone wolf in games for as long as I can remember and often get a load of crap from it because I'm not sticking with the team that have a plan the only problem is there plans are flawed and I am saving them from being knifed from behind nonstop but because they think they're so great they pretend they had it sorted or that the person was never there

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                    • Edited by Kafuu Chino: 10/5/2013 9:58:45 PM
                      I agree, not all lone wolves are good, but all it takes is a single person to change the tide of battle. I play as a lone wolf in most multiplayer games because I just can't trust my teammates to do anything useful with me. Most of the time, all they do is hinder me. I get more things done with efficiency when I go alone. I do most of the things you have listed, with the exception being number 6. I don't like camping, if I go alone I need to be productive in the match. Number 4 is exactly why I don't like to go in with a squad, especially in Battlefield. Using the suppressor is a no-brainer, you won't show up on the minimap when firing your weapon. But a teammate firing without a suppressor will draw attention to my location and put me at risk. I want to stay hidden and have the advantage of the enemy not knowing where I am.

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                      • Edited by Master of Blood: 10/5/2013 5:01:22 PM
                        Oh my god! Look at the grammar, spelling, and punctuation of this idiot. I counted 15 mistakes within the first paragraph, and that's not even counting "lone wolfs"(lmao). People actually take into account how smart you are, and listens to you respectably. Meaning when you look dumb...spoiler alert! No one listens to you. I felt the need to correct some of your posts, as they were in total disarray. Enjoy

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                        18 Replies
                        • I will not go into multiplayer. I will just play campaign. And be a lone

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                          • "you can leave that Lone Wolf stuff behind"

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                            • Edited by Shadow4202: 10/5/2013 5:11:57 AM
                              To a serious player, this is important and being a lone wolf is difficult and requires time and patience but also can give a fireteam a really good point man when the time comes for a lone wolf to join a group. A good player realizes when the time is right for joining a group or being on his/her own. I for one enjoy playing byself but I also know my limitations as a player. Great advice man as always.

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                              • I think being a "lone wolf" means not having to rely on everyone to stay alive/complete an objective. Obviously people that like to play by them selves will have a harder time in games like Destiny but that doesn't mean they aren't good gamers.

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                                • Edited by Slanky: 10/5/2013 6:33:26 PM
                                  I agree with everything but 4and6. Mainly because they don't suit my style. I have always played as a lone wolf and always follow every other step you have set out. Many people think being a lone wolf means you are not a team player, but if you do it correctly it is quite the opposite. Having one member of the team surveying the field and supporting the rest of team by whatever means necessary can be the cornerstone of the match/mission. I like your breakdown, very well done. Edit: just because you are not working with the team visa vis communication through the mic does not mean you cannot anticipate the next move your team will make and plan accordingly to contribute proper support. So for all the comments below, this is how a lone wolf works as part of a team. Its just a style of play.

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                                  • Being a Lone wolf, the "art of lone wolfing" is doing whatever the hell suits you....that being said "lone wolfing" has no place in games that are based in multiplayer. So thank you for teaching some of the less intelligent people how to be team players. More loners need to read this, if they are going to play Destiny. I hate when I'm sneaking past a group of enemies and a "loner" fires a shot to give me away and runs away. Good set of rules ^

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • first off [i]lone wolf[/i] kind of means you are [b]lone{by your self[/b] so you wont be playing on a team at all you would be by your self the whole time ethier because got kicked from a team / cant find a team or preferces ltto work alone. people hate lone wolves because in multiplayer the have more eperiance then team players(if are good) becuase more chances they get kills then when on a team so they start having to be quicker on the draw and watch there own back so when join a team they are an overpowered compontent to the team and might get all or most of the kills whivh good for the teams rank but horrid for the other players.

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                                      17 Replies
                                      • [quote]5. Know your role - In Multiplayer matches, make sure you know your role and what you need to do. If you are playing with a really good team [/quote] [quote]That's right we are talking about the are of the Lone Wolf.[/quote] Team, Lone wolf. How

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                                        • Edited by PyscoNinja128: 10/1/2013 7:28:33 AM
                                          You forgot one thing [b]grenades[/b]

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