originally posted in:The Vanguardians
Beta confirmed for Early 2014 release.
[quote]Pre-order "Destiny" and receive access to the upcoming beta. Beta will be available in early 2014 on the following platforms: PS4 system, PS3 system, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. Limited time only. While beta codes last. Internet connection is required. Amazon will email you your beta access code within 1 business days of you placing your pre-order. Offer valid when shipped and sold by Amazon.com. This offer will be extended to all existing pre-orders. Limited to one per customer order.
And we're getting gameplay footage today. Wahey!
EDIT: Gamestop have Beta codes also.
See here: https://twitter.com/GuardiansofD/status/385049923600646144/photo/1
The beta is a preorder only bonus?! Wtf bungie! This sucks.
I pre-ordered Destiny earlier this summer. So now I have to go into Gamestop where I pre-ordered and ask for the beta key? I don't get that?
Edited by ODSTJacob: 10/1/2013 7:25:00 PMLooks like I'll be calling the local Gamestop about my preorder. I'm not missing this. edit: Gamestop will start e-mailing codes once they receive them.
Amazon has removed the notation about the beta.
If i pre ordered a couple of weeks back will i get it within one business day as well? Also will it be global beta or just us cus im in the uk
Here's what I don't get. If devs and publishers are trying to push digital. Why all the perks and benefits for physical preorders? Am I going to be able to preorder the digital version when the consoles are out? Will it come with a beta code?
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 10/1/2013 1:37:58 PMMaybe there is an earlier Beta if you signed up for the user research program. If you have to pre-order at Amazon to get a Beta code, that is beyond stupid and they aren't treating it as an actual Beta like for Reach and Halo 3. I would of liked them to say it was an Open Beta, this sucks. I pre-ordered at Gamestop and I don't want to pre-order on Amazon to get a Beta key.
So I wonder do we have wait till bungie announces it and then we get the codes or get them a few days after? Meh, I'll just sit and wait, I got time. Hell, I preorder at GameStop and Amazon just to be sure.
I've never done a Beta and I have the xbox 360 slim 4g. I would assume playing the Beta would require a download and that we do not receive a disk, but I wanted to confirm before buying a HD. I have a 8gb flash drive for my Xbox, would that work?
Wait!! So if we pre ordered it from gamestop will we get the beta still?
Does it matter where I pre-order? And if I pre-order for PS4, and I don't have a PS4 at the time of the beta, what happens then? Can I play it on my 360? Bungie, be thorough. Jesus.
For some reason I was holding out on preordering at GS. I'm glad I trusted my gut. Hopefully, the people that already preordered it months ago will receive beta access also.
What is Beta?
Edited by Eithen-: 10/1/2013 3:00:40 PMEdit: Check this out, gamestop doing beta codes too!
Shit. I was planning on getting the XB1 along with Destiny or MGS5. Is it possible that if I preorder an XB1 version of the game, the beta code still works for the 360?
Has anyone been able to confirm any other retailers or is it just Amazon?
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 10/1/2013 2:11:04 PMThis is an outrage, you have to pre-order on Amazon to get a Beta codes. What about people who have been waiting on Bungie.net for Destiny for like 2 years now? But I am just going to wait and see how this plays out first >_>
Edited by Rhomulous: 10/1/2013 2:29:00 PM30th of June 2014 release date shown on amazon, US page though not UK. Plus no mention on UK site regarding beta! Edit: Why put a placeholder on the American site but not on UK? Strange.
my question is, if i order from places other than amazon will i still get a beta invite? (like say gamestop)
Edited by WILLtheKILLA5: 10/1/2013 1:57:42 PMAlright, just preorder on Amazon for a 360 version. After I move to Alaska I'll have enough money for a Xbox One and Destiny, till then I'll play beta on the 360.
YES YES but I wanted an earlier beta... whatever. YES
I don't see the beta
My ....... Heart....... Stopping ....... Hyping so much.... -falls out of chair-
Please let GameStop have the same pre order bonus!