originally posted in:Emerald
I'm just going to put it out there: There is no such thing as reverse Sexism/Racism, because by definition, the terms go both ways.
1. prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, on the basis of sex.[/quote]
A woman being promoted over a man, purely because the boss favours women is Sexism.
Not "Reverse Sexism"
Just Sexism.
1. the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.[/quote]
Feminists believe that females should be equal to males, and I completely support this endeavour, but somewhere along the way, sexists got confused.
Many Pro-Female Sexists call themselves feminists, and dream of a society where Females are supreme. They refer to this as "role reversal"
It is not reversal though, for in a reversal, they would assume the role of men.
In the united states, as in most First-World countries, both sexes are equal before the law, therefore, to reverse the roles at a legal level, would be an even exchange of 1:1.
Let us, though, assume that these roles were switched on a [i]social[/i] level.
Women opening doors for men, taking the check at dinner, lifting heavy things, etc.
I don't like the sound of that, and neither does any Sexist., or feminist.
I would like to believe that these duties should not fall solely on either sex, but rather, should be shared, as well as traditionally female duties.
In conclusion, Jay is a retard.
This is what happens when people take Social Justice Warriors seriously.
[quote]In the united states, as in most First-World countries, both sexes are equal before the law, therefore, to reverse the roles at a legal level, would be an even exchange of 1:1.[/quote] BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. It depends n the crime, but women can get away with much lighter sentences than men in some cases (such as sexual assault).
Letting feminist redefine the definition of what racism and sexism is, is like letting NAMBLA getting to decide on the age in consent laws.
I personally don't know any feminists who want women to have more power than men. I think it's like those bad cop things, where the majority of them are good but loudest and meanest get the most recognition.
[quote]In conclusion, Jay is a retard.[/quote] This just in, water is wet and grass is green. More news at 5.
Edited by IchEsseKinder: 1/17/2014 11:58:06 PM
Most feminist public speakers and leaders are the crazy sexists... It's at the point that I think the sexists outnumber the "feminists".(bad name for equality)
I agree with all the points here, but I don't know Jay.
lol jay is awesome. you guys dont seem to know i but she is rustling your jimmies to new levels and you just take her seriously. the OP proves it. shes having threads made about her because she upset you guys. i feel like im witnessing the true master on this site.
Whats the difference
Who is this Jay you speak of? What is this Group Emerald you post from?
[quote]In conclusion, Jay is a retard.[/quote]
I actually wanted to "debate" with her in that thread but she never replies, little disappointing.
[quote]In conclusion, Jay is a retard.[/quote] Was this ever in doubt?
The "patriarchy" doesn't exist and women aren't treated as unfairly as they'd like you to believe. Everyone that doesn't use Tumblr knows this
You have my sword.