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originally posted in:Emerald
1/17/2014 11:20:11 PM

Sexism vs. Feminism

I'm just going to put it out there: There is no such thing as reverse Sexism/Racism, because by definition, the terms go both ways. [quote]sex·ism sekˌsizəm noun 1. prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, on the basis of sex.[/quote] A woman being promoted over a man, purely because the boss favours women is Sexism. Not "Reverse Sexism" Just Sexism. [quote]fem·i·nism feməˌnizəm noun 1. the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.[/quote] Feminists believe that females should be equal to males, and I completely support this endeavour, but somewhere along the way, sexists got confused. Many Pro-Female Sexists call themselves feminists, and dream of a society where Females are supreme. They refer to this as "role reversal" It is not reversal though, for in a reversal, they would assume the role of men. In the united states, as in most First-World countries, both sexes are equal before the law, therefore, to reverse the roles at a legal level, would be an even exchange of 1:1. Let us, though, assume that these roles were switched on a [i]social[/i] level. Women opening doors for men, taking the check at dinner, lifting heavy things, etc. I don't like the sound of that, and neither does any Sexist., or feminist. I would like to believe that these duties should not fall solely on either sex, but rather, should be shared, as well as traditionally female duties. In conclusion, Jay is a retard.

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