originally posted in:Destiny Friends
What game are you currently playing and you plan on playing in order to keep you busy before destiny is released?
Battlefield 3 Halo 4 Gta IV and V And Homework
Planetside 2. It's fun as hell, and that's what gaming's for, right?
Either halo reach, fear 3, or far cry 3. Cus my battlefield 3 broke.
Halo 4, Pokémon Y, and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
GTA vice city and Tom clancys ghost recon future solider
Bioshock Infinite War Thunder Trackmania
LoL & Minecraft
Since I sold my soul (ALL MY GAMES AND CONSOLES) to GameStop, all I've had to play is Fire Emblem: Awakening. Can't wait until November so I can get my long awaited PS4 and play some real games! The games I've pre-ordered with my saved money are: -Watch Dogs (hacking awesome!) -The Crew (eat your heart out, Need for Speed) -inFamous: Second Son (glad they didn't call it "inFamous 3") -Destiny (of course) -Dying Light (the love child of Dead Island and Mirrors Edge) - ......and Pokemon X (derp)
Halo 4
Halo and BF3. Halo o build up my skills in a Bungie game (the mechanics will hopefully feel similar), and BF3 to build teamwork with my squad.
I appreciate how hard you thought about this poll.
Halo CEA, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo: Reach, Halo 3 ODST.
Need for Speed Most Wanted, Halo Reach, and Battlefront 2.
TES, Fallout, and Ace Combat for now, and I'm getting BF4 and TESO to hold me over 'til Destiny's release.
I am going old school halo 3 and odst
[quote]What game are you currently playing and you plan on playing in order to keep you busy before destiny is released?[/quote] your racesist
Battlefield 3 and minecraft. I win the hunger deans
Halo 4: Big team slayer
Im going to play Halo Reach until I get the Xbox One, Then COD Ghosts, Then Titanfall.
Playing a lot of the mass effect trilogy. Planning on Farcry 2 as well, plus another playthrough of Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim.
I get the feeling I'll end up playing a lot of Battlefield 4 since I recently got into Battlefield 3 again but along see that, Path of Exile, Killzone: Shadowfall and GTA V will be played, too.
Right now going back through Arkham Asylum, City's next - gotta get ready for Origins. Before Destiny I'll pry run through my Bungie Halos and spend some time in Borderlands 2.
Right this minute I'm replaying AC2 again. But Halo 4's my go-to game for now.
Borderlands 2
Halo 3 Halo Reach
A life of crime in Payday 2.