originally posted in:The Guardians PS3
If we're going to work as a team, we need to know eachother. Comment your psn, class, etc. Maybe share something about yourself if you feel like it. I am providence100 on PS3 and I'm a lvl 24 warlock. I'm looking for strikes and (hopefully) soon raid groups for vog, I'm 15 years old and up to do some serious grinding/farming or just mess around I'm crucible whenever I find time. Up to you guys to get to know each other better, peace.
Edited by sep112kfun: 7/26/2015 6:38:39 AMSep112kfun im a level 27 warlock up for anything that i can actually do and i play most days and have mic
hungry_walrus269, I've got a 32 Titan
Carloswalksit- My main is a 32 hunter
I'm hightide54, I've got a 32 warlock.
Psn- Aytrax
I am YaminoRyuu, actually I am a lv 20 hunter. You can add me to raids
ADD ME TO DO RAIDS smallesthockey10
im a lvl 33 warlock with a lvl 14 hunter i need help with POE an for the love of good teach me how to beat crota!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a lvl 33 warlock with self-res and void fully upgraded, my psn: mrbutterworths_ add me if you like to do crucible and or do nightfall and weekly heroic and daily heroic, I get on Monday and Wednesday at 5am to 1:30pm and Tuesdays at 5am to 11am I also have a lvl 4 Titan so if someone could help me out with that, that would be great
Need help getting the weekly done with my 27 hunter. I can start with my 31 warlock. Have mic. Have vex. Have maxed murmur. Add me on PS3- VaMetalMan69.
Jdbosmans 2 level 24+
I'm level 24 warlock and play mostly on weekends, psn: TheSupremeNerd
EMILIANO_1999 titan 31
jbosnar add me I have three high level characters
justsumgui on ps3, level 31 hunter, i primarily play on the weekends since i'm still in school.
My PSN name is Breznev. I have a level 25 Titan and a level 26 hunter. Looking for people to do strikes and vault of glass. Open to farming and completing missions. Play nearly daily.
My psn name is Epicfootfungus
Hey all I'm ste Psn name is ecker87 I have a lvl 29 titan and a lvl 13 hunter at the minute. I have done vog a few times and still attempting crotas end at the minute I do have a mic and get on when I can, I find a lot of the time when I get on my friends on my list aren't on so getting a team for a raid can be hard so please feel free to add
Name: Erismer Lvl 22 Bladedancer (like to use invisibility to be team medic) Been looking for some ppl to do the raids and other stuff aswell peace
Psn: sytzes I have 3 characters a lvl 25 titan, 29 hunter and 30 warlock, just a hired gun really who needs help with daily and looking for a consistent group. I have no mic as of right now, but will be getting one but i do have the dlc.
psn murk-aholics-inc add me plenty of raid experiance mic looking for more people to play with on a consistant basis something we can schedule im trying to get a dedicated fire team together to help eachother conquer the destiny universe add me if interested