Gt: Ts-91 Mic, weekly, nightfall, daily, raid add or join
Esko__HuF Level 28 Warlock ;) I'm down for nightfall, VOG, Weeklys, Pretty much anything
Add Atruekneegrow I have a level 26 warlock
Pushingbear_2010. All three classes lvl 29. Looking for a raid group.
war_hound_45 Level 20 Hunter will do raids or really what ever just really want to have some folks with mics to play with. Its a bit lame not being able to lay down the boom stick alone.
Add me on Now psn Stealthkidsumo lvl 26 Titan
28 Warlock Esko__HuF
30 warlock Psn SOME1UWANNABEAT
dark0vitor lv 23
Add me;) Psn: Checker235_ Lvl 27 Warlock
Daily Player 27 Hunter w/ mic SASman80 Add me for strikes or vog
SquareCake 24(one point from 25) voidwalker warlock Really looking for a number of people to do weekly strikes and raids with(once I get better gear) Only game on PS3 so I don't really know anyone
Mike5tar_HD Hunter & Warlock Level 27 with Mic V.o.G, Weekly, Nightfall Owns a Sausage dog
Psn: TheFrozenBoss Level 29 warlock. Up for everything.
PSN: Xx_$w@gQu1ck$c0p3R$_xX Class: I blazed my warlock with hunter and made swag killer 101 yolo sunbro hunter 420
Edited by King: 10/28/2014 4:56:01 PMguitaristklub16 Lvl 28 Warlock and lvl 26 Hunter Gaming daily and down for anything With mic
Lvl 26 Titan striker lfg VoG normal fire team psn partying_milkman I have a mic and a lot of time :D
Edited by DEADMAN6743: 10/28/2014 10:37:26 AMPsn DEADMAN6743 Level 28 hunter Level 25 titain Level 25 warlock I will be able to play after 1:55
Edited by ZenonZain: 10/28/2014 10:19:23 AMPsn - Kratos_Slayer3. 28 Warlock
Amej21 level 26
Lvl 27 titan and hunter KillaPatsFan hit me up!!!
Edited by BlueMyobu: 10/27/2014 8:04:25 AMLevel 25 hunter Looking for fireteams and VoG when I'm higher lvl. Will add anyone. The more the merrier. PSN - BlueMyobu
Lvl 24 Warlock Gt: ninjawarlord0
Add tuklaw1 level 28
B4T-_-Ass Lvl 28 Titan