originally posted in:Lower the Guns
looking for people to group with in destiny on 360 add me @ bensbe12
Add me lvl 26 titan gt: mother frumper
Yo add me im level 27 warlock loocking for people to do raid with GT is TBGUnitee
Add me as well- 26 hunter, gt:Actaeon118
add me lvl 25 warlock
Add me spixtar level 26 titan and 25 hunter.
Send me an invite, level 24 warlock
Lvl 25 Hunter. on 360
Lvl 26 hunter just send me a msg. Trying to do higher lvl strikes and maybe crucible. I have a mic on 360 and ill be on all day. Selurokys is my tag
Lvl 26 hunter just send me a msg. Trying to do higher lvl strikes and maybe crucible. I have a mic and ill be on all day. Selurokys is my tag
Level 26 hunter looking for people to do the raid with or even just for a laugh my gamertag is - MrBeastieBrown
This thread doesn't belong here. #Gaming is for games that are NOT Destiny. Post in #Clans or #Destiny if you want people to care.
Add me lvl 20 warlock and my gt is the same as on here
Im lvl 20 i can join you add me my gamer tag is minisebek but ill join tomorrow
Definatly looking for some 360 people to raid with
While Destiny is a game, it has it's own section meant specifically for it. It's like posting #Gaming related threads in #Offtopic. Yes #Gaming is Offtopic from the main purpose of bungie (Destiny) ,but it has it's own section meant for it so anything gaming related should go in #Gaming. With all the destiny related threads I'm #Gaming it is a chore to search for other content besides destiny (which I can find plenty of info on by going to #Destiny)... Please edit the tag from #Gaming to #Destiny Thanks, Shru
Can you add me my gamertager is ToughCorgi and I would love to join you
Lvl 15 Titan. Just want some cool people with mics to play with. Running around, Story and eventually raid. Lvl doesn't matter. 360 GT: TheMagesglory
My tag is YenSikk