Hey Everyone, My name is Jan (John) gamer tag is Jahnn. Confusing I know. I'm 29 years old. I work full time as an EMT about 40-48hours a week (MWFSun). I go to school full time trying to earn an AA in firefighting (TTh). I play rugby Tuesday and Thursday evenings and I play destiny in between. I played vanilla destiny for awhile when it first came out. I did the vault of glass twice before I stopped playing. Now I'm back cause to TTK I'm hoping to start playing casually and raiding once a week. Looking forward to meeting you guys.
Hello, my name is Jimmy, you may call me Wedge (preferred unless I have known you for awhile) however I won't get mad if you call me Jimmy. I have played with Shin since the beginning of Halo 2. I am a huge Star Wars fan, and video game fan in general. I am a theme park Junky and enjoy going to them with my wife and daughter. I am usually willing to help whenever I can, but my schedule can be rough sometimes. Good to meet everyone. ~Wedge
Shin this zcw09, me n 2 buddies r gunna raid again tonight and it'd b cool if u wanted to get in on it. They're both good if not better than me. Lemme know bro
Hey guys, my name is Justin (Normalhazard.) Most just call me Norm(al) or Hazard, however I'll answer to any of these. I'm a very knowledgeable gamer, with a lot of experience in a variety of MMO's and a vanilla Destiny player. Some of my hobbies include IT work, networking, and just starting out with learning Spyder language to be able to progress myself into the programming. If you ever need any help don't be afraid to ask. Happy Hunting. -NormalHazard