originally posted in:Decoding Destiny
This is an idea that I had for a event/mission. It would be great to promote the new DLC too.
All guardians receive a notification telling them that the post master has a package for them.
The guardian flies to the tower as normal and...
Cutscene Begin!
The guardian has transmatted to the tower and approaches the post master.
Guardian: You have a package for me?
PM: Yes, just a moment, let me get it.
Suddenly, at the tower entrance, a new person transmats in. He wears a bowler hat, an old fashion fine suit and a well trimmed beard. He carries a cane which he precedes to spin about on his wrist before he catches it and taps the end onto the ground. He looks about with a slight smirk on his face, then speaks with a slight British accent.
??: Well seems this place hasn't changed much.
His eyes fall on you and his smirk deepens.
??: Hello there. New, eh? (takes a second look at you) Well at least new to me. Names Donovan. Donovan Matthews.
Before the guardian can respond Ikora can be seen in the background walking briskly toward him. Donovan claps the guardian on the shoulder.
Donovan: Well I really must be going, now. We'll have to continue this later.
He walks calmly towards Ikora. As she approaches she reaches behind her and pulls out a gun. She points the gun at Donovan, her face a mask of grim determination and showing the effort it takes to keep that mask there.
Donovan: Ikora, love, I missed you too. Hope your not still upset about that little incident, last time.
Ikora: That "little incident" nearly cost me my life!
Donovan: (Sheepishly) My sources simply told me that there would be a big shipment of supplies to the Fallen in that area. They failed to mention that the shipment consisted of several active Walkers.
Ikora:(Disgusted)Tch! (Then Angry) What the hell are you doing here Donovan?! Half the tower thought you were dead, and the other half either don't know about you, or want to kill you themselves. Hell, Cayde-6 has a drone with your face on it that he uses for target practice. The only reason I am here is 'cause I am the only one with the the self control not to shoot you on sight! (pushes the gun a bit closer) But. I. Am. Starting. To Lose. My Grip.
Donovan:(flashes a smile) Very well then, let's get down to business.
Part 2:
Donovan: I have the coordinates to a colony of refugees, Humans and Exos that survived the collapse and managed to survive in the wilderness all this time.
Ikora: Impossible...
Donovan: I know. They emerged from temporal stasis chambers about a two and half years ago from what I could gather. During the Collapse their underground testing facility went on independent generators and activated a cloaking device that blanketed the entire facility. They've stayed in stasis for all the centuries since then. (Ikora 's face shows both doubt and astonishment but she lowers her weapon.) Think about the knowledge they must have, dear. Think of the technology, generators that can run without stopping for centuries and these stasis chambers, were just prototypes, only ones of their kind ever built.(Donovan has worked his way behind her and is now leaning over her shoulder and speaking softly into her ear.) Think of all the data stored in that facility preserved from the Golden Age.
(Ikora spins round and steps back. she hefts her weapon as if holding it ready but does not take aim. )
Ikora: How do I know this is true?
Donovan: (nonchalantly) Don't even kid. You know I don't tell lies. Besides, do you honestly think that I would show my face if I didn't have something valuable to give in return for safety... Well, don't you think this is enough? (He holds out a data chip)
Ikora: (deep in thought) Yes. (She manages shakes herself free her of thoughts, somewhat) Yes. Of course. You've done very well Donovan. Thank you for this. (She tries to take the chip, but Donovan's grip remains tight. She pauses and they stare silently at each other for a moment) And you have my guarantee of your safety here in the tower. (Donovan smile brightens as he relinquishes the chip, and Ikora visibly cringes.)
Donovan: Pleasure doing business with you.
(Donovan walks back toward the tower entrance and transmats out.)
(Ikora stands in place with her brow furrowed. The guardian walks up to her.)
Guardian: Who was that?
Ikora: Now is not a good time guardian.
Guardian: Yeah. I seem to get that alot.
Ikora: (she looks at the guardian briefly and sighs) You have done a great deal for us, I suppose you should know.. Donovan is.. I suppose the best term is an information broker. He is smart, devious and clever, and he always gets the better end of the bargain.
Ghost: So, why did you just make deal him exactly?
Ikora: Because he always has the information we need, right when we most need it. Because, even if it's incomplete, his information is never wrong, and because I haven't yet figured out how he's going to screw me over... And now he's back scheming again.. What does he have planned for us this time. (Ikora pauses and is again lost in thought.)
(Donovan appears again, transmatting in at the steps)
Donovan: Oh, yes, I did almost forget. The colony does not seem to have gone unnoticed by our friends either. I have seen where a large Hive seeder landed in the area, and there were a few Fallen Skiffs headed that way to do patrol. You better hurry if you want to get there first.(tips his hat as he transmats out again, while Ikora yells at him)
Ikora: You son of a.. (Shouts in Frustration. Then runs toward the steps, and yells over her shoulder.) Quickly Guardian! We have to act now!
Cutscene End.[/spoiler]
Part 3 and 4 - The mission and the aftermath
Click [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/71874370/0/0/1]here[/url].
Donovan AKA Bowler Hat, would not need to become a part of the main story line. He could have his own story line that is released slowly here and there as the main story progresses.
Edited by Ryuu5oul: 10/7/2014 4:47:39 PMPart 3: The mission [spoiler]After the cutscene ends the player receives a mission in his/her inventory. The mission has a timer on it for when the event expires 5-10 days. after the event is over with the mission will become permanently available but unique rewards will be available only during this timed event. When activated the guardian will travel to a the ruins of a large scientific research facility in New Mexico (or where ever.) -On the way- Ghost: Ikora has sent out the message. Guardians are gathering to defend the research facility. I'm not sure we should trust that Donovan, especially given what Ikora said about him, but If what he said is true, the technology here could really change things. Imagine, technology that manipulates time! On the other hand, don't you feel like we're walking into a trap? -Upon arrival- Ghost: Incoming Transmission from Commander Zavala Zavala: Our scouts' initial scans have detected enemy forces preparing for an attack. I have no idea how, but they seem to know this facility is important to us. The number of forces amassed is one of the biggest I have ever seen. Be brave, Guardian. Know your enemy and know yourself. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. The mission will consist of a horde style battle with different stages. The Enemy will spawn in different numbers depending on how many players are doing the mission. I would recommend a 3-6 player minimum. During the event it could be set up so that one group's effectiveness, affects the spawn rate for the others. The players will arrive in different locations depending on level. Level 10 (Easy): Spawn in a series of alleys between buildings. -The enemy consists of Fallen dropping from the rooftops below and Hive trying to come up from sewer grates in the alley. -Battle progression should escalate with new enemies busting out of walls at the end of each wave, opening up new areas for players to take cover and also more places for more enemies to come out. Second story areas become accessible for those that want to snipe or keep their distance. -Boss: smaller version of the knight from the Shrine of Oryx mission. Uses a sword, If he causes enough damage to the base the building will begin to collapse and those inside will be forced to evacuate or die. Level 18 (Normal): Spawn in the entrance to a large building. The entrance should be large (about three stories high) and open with stairs that lead up to the upper floors. Each of the upper floors have several balconies that hang over the entrance area, granting players several good positions to shoot from, but they will have to watch their backs. Hive will climb out of the broken elevator shafts and can spawn on any floor. - Fallen will will begin by breaking the glass dome on top of the room and repelling down on ropes or crawling down the many large pillars into the room. Fallen will also come through The main entrance. -Battle progression will change as the Fallen bust through the walls with majors and Ultras. -Boss: Unique Fallen Ultra Captain accompanied by a High Servitor. The Captain will have no ranged weapons but will have the ability to teleport longer distances than normal and a smash attack, similar to, but weaker than the Titan's Fist of Havoc. The attack will also cause environmental damage like breaking the pillars, also if the captain locks onto a player on a balcony then he will teleport up and Smash the balcony causing the entrance to the balcony to collapse and making it inaccessible. Level 26 (Epic) The players will spawn on a group of security buildings along the main road leading to the main building. buildings and obstacles will be positioned so that the player can make it from the ground to roof in 1-2 double jumps from the various areas around the buildings. There is a walkway over the road connecting the two main security buildings. -Random spawn points- Hive will tunnel up from below in random "emergence points." This will be done with whatever creature The Hive used to dig those elaborate tunnels on the moon. There will be a total possible number of six emergence points, but that number will change if the players manage to kill the Tunneler (thats what am calling this hypothetical creature.) IE. killing a tunneler = one less emergence point appearing. And emergence points will collapse on themselves after a certain amount of time. -Dynamic environment- explosions planted by the Fallen start to collapse parts of the buildings forcing the players to continuously shift their position and strategy. The buildings are very tough though and do not get destroyed immediately, it takes several explosions. Players can find and disarm these bombs before they explode. -Stage 1 will have 1-3(depending on the number of players) Boss(es) from the level 10 stage, but powered up. -Stage 2 Will have a high servitor, The unique Fallen Captain from the level 26 stage, and a fallen walker. The number of players will affect if the walker is regular or ultra and the number of adds. Stage 3 Final Stage. Boss. A Hive Monstrosity covered in bone plates. Players can destroy the bone plates by doing enough damage to it. Destroying the plate will cause an ugly growth to appear on the Monstrosity where the plate was. This growth will randomly glow either red, purple or blue. Blue takes more damage from Arc, red from solar, purple from void. Destroying the plate has an adverse affect of making the Monstrosity move slightly faster. The Monstrosity will be about 3 - 4 stories tall and is capable of taking down a building with his sword in about 7- 8 hits. This is were the number of buildings the player managed to protect in the beginning becomes significant. More buildings = more cover. [/spoiler]
Is this fan script or did someone manage to pull this from the "cut content" that was already on the disk?
Why an actual suit. Maybe a suit like the level 1-5 warlock gear in black with white trim around the neck. It's very short and could resemble a suit. The hat is cool, but in missions he could have a unique warlock helmet exclusive to him.
It seems Donovan screwed Kimora over in many ways... [spoiler]selling bad news and charging way to much for it plus tricking her into thinking he was dead bit what the perverts will say[/spoiler]
That's pretty cool man
Very creative. I like it.
I like it! Maybe it might are it to the game in a the third dlc.. But still would be cool!