Add me to the list I suck at 34 to withstand his attacks.. Would like to try kicking his arse at 40.. Thanks GT: skulls4tots Need to rank up with variks too...
I have not finished Skolas and am available on 360 and XONE. Let me know date and time.
also need to get get this one. gamertag is same as here xbox one usually play get on about 9pm EST on weekdays and usually later on weekend nights
I too have not completed skolas, I am looking for a clan of the same nature, family orientated :) I have always struggled to find players but I play a lot of destiny and am super excited about TTK, I am here for the long haul and Would be extremely happy if some folks would help me through, I'm a 26 year old Dad of two from the UK and play on Xbox one. Look forward to hearing from you guys :)
This weekend I'd be up to attempt Skolas with those who haven't done it yet. I can be on either 360 or One.
I have not even attempted Skolas. I'm typically on Tuesday and Friday from 9pm to whenever.
I haven't defeated him yet, but the reason is because I'm 33, I need one more armor piece and I'll be 34. But once I'm 34 I'm gonna need the achievement!
I have also not beaten him yet - always get caught up with one of the mine groups. I'll be on tomorrow morning, but could try to make it on one evening if we had two others ready to go. I'm on the Xbox one as well.
I have not beaten skolas and I can get on whenever it's best for the other 2 players.