[b]Gamer Tag:[/b] xJOKERx [b]Platform:[/b] Xbox One [b]Time Zone:[/b] CST/Texas [b]Times on for Play:[/b] Weekday Evenings after 8pm, Weekends open/vary [b]Main Character:[/b] Warlock [b]Secondary Character:[/b] Titan [b]Third Character:[/b] Hunter
Gt: beardedmonkey92 Timezone: GMT Arizona Usually play after 8 pm and weekends
liskmarth Xbox one UK 18:00 to 00:00 many 01:00 16:00. 20:00. 21:00. Eastern I think? I have not done the kings run raid yet would like to learn it and help others. Thank you.
Gamertag: roadkill toast Platform: 360 Time zone: pst Usual play time: ranges really, could be after 6:30pm tuesday-saturday or later. Mostly sunday nights and all of monday. Preferred clas: warlock :)
Hi there Gametag : DK Munoz Plataform: xbox1 Time zone: eastern Hours: 8:30 pm to 11pm Character: warlock Notes: no problem jumping in and helping with pve or pvp. Need help in raids.
Edited by Called by Crows: 10/31/2015 3:16:31 AM[b]Gamer Tag:[/b] Called by Crows [b]Platform:[/b] Xbox One [b]Time Zone:[/b] EST/Michigan USA [b]Times on for Play:[/b] 8am-10am, 0100pm-0300pm, 1000-1200pm [b]Main Character:[/b] Warlock [b]Secondary Character:[/b] Titan Hey I'm the founder and everybody just calls me Crows. Please friend me and I will get to friending all of you soon as well. I'm mostly on during the day Mon-Fri but can get on some evenings after 930. I love raiding and doing strikes so if you need somebody let me know.
Hi everyone, I am new to the group. Thanks for having me. My info [b]Gamertag:[/b] XS Strength [b]Platform:[/b] Xbox One [b]Time Zone:[/b] Mountain (AZ) [b]Usually plays on/at:[/b] Monday through Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Give our take an hour. (Day time gamer) [b]Main character used:[/b] Titan [b]Notes: [/b] I do PVE mostly and rarely do any PVP unless it is bounty or quest I need. I spam strikes, dailies, bounties, quests, NF and of course the raid, got to level up! Feel free to add me if you play at the same time I do
Gamertag: vatoloco1484 Console: X1 Region: Pacific (US) Times: Weekdays 5pm - midnight Weekends usually on all day Character: Hunter I've run a little bit of everything. More than willing to help out where I can. Need help with anything, send msg or game invite.
Edited by N1GHTF34R: 10/29/2015 12:47:25 PMGamertag: N1GHTF34R Platform: Xbox One Time Zone: GMT -7:00 (Canada) Schedule: Monday to Friday (If I'm working day shifts) after 9 to 10:30. Saturday and Sunday (if my girlfriend is working) 7am to 3pm. Otherwise I try to get on at anytime Main character: Hunter (all 3 subclasses) I have done all raids on normal and have yet to do KF on hard but have done the others on hard. Looking to help players with the raids and to do all the other things in Destiny with other players. Have not done trials at all and would love to start getting into that.
Gamertag: MunHyunBin Platform: XBox 1 Time Zone: Eastern (US) Usually plays on/at: Monday through Sunday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Main character used: Warlock (Arc/Solar) I have some experience with various encounters in all three raids, but catch on quickly after 1 or two dry runs. Looking to expand that while doing strikes/questlines. PvP is somewhat secondary to me, due to my dislike for the P2P hosting system used in the game.
Edited by Meczi: 10/29/2015 2:23:28 AMGamertag: Meczi Platform: Xbox one Time zone: BST Usual play times: around 6pm after work or when I'm not with the Mrs 😂 Main character used: Hunter Beat all the raid on HARD add me up for weekly runs or pvp :)
Hey y'all! Thanks for having me. GT: NOLAGurl165 Platform: XB1 Time Zone: CST Character: Play mostly with my hunter who is 301 but have a Warlock and Titan who are 295 Playtime: Any evening between 5-10pm, but usually on all weekend Interested in: Anything really but would love to complete KF on normal (have gotten as far as Oryx)
Edited by Tristrim48: 10/26/2015 2:24:59 AMGT: Drizzit299 Time zone: Mountain(US) Platform: 360, soon to be xbox1 hopefully Mostly on in the evenings around 8-12ish Main character: Hunter
Gamertag: PerfectEnemy123 Xbox 1 Playtime: This varies. Mainly most evenings anytime after 5pm. I have done it all. I have a max character of each diff type. Been playing since day one. I have sherpa'd many guardians. I am a proficient relic runner, sword bearer, and I have jumped many many platforms lol. Very laid back casual gamer. Thanks again for the invite.
Gamertag: Atrain99wsu Platform: X1 or 360 Playtime: Anytime I get. If you set a time I can usually make it. (Bad time is 5:00 PM PST till 9:00 PM PST. Gotta get the kids to bed.) Main: Warlock Was a clan member, helped some buddies out but they have been deployed. Thanks for letting me back into the group.
Hello again! Xbox360 GT: Duke Cardlert Guardians: 34 Warlock, 34 Titan, 34 Hunter Location: California (PST) Playtime: Evenings, weekends, and maybe some weekday mornings when the kids go to school, starting next week Looking to complete: PoE 32+ weekly, VOG for Hateflinger, PoE 35 Skolas on 2* Guardians
Greetings! Thanks for having me. GT: Middleman Platform: XB1 & XB360 Time Zone: Pacific Character: Main- 32 Hunter, Secondary- 32 Titan Playtime: Usually any evening, plus most weekends Interested in: RAIDS- never been able to do them. Also PoE 32+.
Hello a nevem Caroline. Gt: Carolinechaos Platform: Xbox 360 (and sometimes xb1 Time zone: EST I can be found online at all different times. Love doing anything. 😊
Gt: ReversedLearner Console: Xbox 360 Timezone: Central Character: Mainly hunter, already have some legendary gear for my warlock Play time: Almost all weekend, sometime after 9 on weekdays
Edited by PrecisionGill: 3/19/2015 1:18:38 AM[b]Gamertag:[/b] PrecisionGill [b]Platform:[/b] Xbox 360 & Xbox One [b]Time Zone:[/b] Eastern (North America) (-5 GMT) [b]Usually plays on/at:[/b] Monday through Sunday from 8:30pm - 11ish [b]Main character used:[/b] Hunter; also run a Titan & Warlock
Gamer tag: UrdeaRo890 Console: xbox one Time: mountain standard I play 2 hrs a day on week days on weekends any time.
Gamertag: Lightninglord99 Platform: Xbox 360 Time zone: central us Game play: 8:00-10:00 weekdays any time on weekends
Gamer tag: cls47 platform: xbox one time zone: mountain usually plays m-th on and off 5-7pm, all day weekends if I can main character: warlock 30, secondary hunter 25
Gamertag: DustiestBigfoot Platform: Xbox1 Time Zone: Pacific (US) Usually plays on/at: Monday through Friday from 9:00pm to 12:30 normally at least once a day at those times, varying times on weekends Main character used: Mainly Hunter, lev 4 Warlock