334 titan looking for VOG hard team, msg or invite GT VintageDr Pants
Vog normal atheon cp xbox one message for invite
Looking for 32 34 or skolas hunter 318 with exp gt nobasicsht inv me xbox1
Looking for crota hard or vog hard hunter 318 with exp gt nobasicsht inv me xbox1
Looking for crota hard or vog hard warlock 319 with exp gt nobasicsht inv me xbox1
1 for war preist needed 300+ gt LFCxSheri
Need 3 for fresh vog hard run. Must know what to do. Msg Wilsoc1 for an invite.
Need 5 for hard mode crota Xbox one
Need 5 for hard mode crota Xbox one
Msg me for inv fresh vault
Need 5 for vog/no time to explain. Have mic, msg antal903 for inv!
Anyone looking to do a VoG?
I'm trying to do VOG inv me
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Need 2 for hard raid oryx 314 hunter gt sam as above must be above 310+ xb1 [/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Need 3 for normal raid, Atheon checkpoint. 314 Titan, message x JimPickens x or invite.
318 warlock looking for a team
Solo lvl40/300 hunter. Needing the Atheon cp, I'm at oracles. Invite me @ CarelessOutcast.
Never done VoG and would like to experience it 316 Titan , 318 Warlock , and 295 Hunter Just invite StaTiiC V if you would like to help me with my first run
Doing hard VOG with an experienced group need 1 for fresh msg lemonzest11
Hola todos! X favor vengan a mi perfil y uníos al clan. Soy nuevo en esto de crear clanes :P, pero me gustaría poder facilitar las cosas a nosotros, los hablantes del Español! (No aceptamos chilenos) (No mentira ;)
Need 3 vog fresh run
Need team to run vog normal message asskicker423
Need 3 for vog.
Need 3 more for atheon check point MUST BE 310+ LIGHT message: IAMDEADSHOTT
Need 3 more for atheon check point MUST BE 310+ LIGHT message: IAMDEADSHOTT
Need 1 for oracles same gt