Need 5 VOG Hard Fresh Run Message on Xbox for invite GT is same
Need group to kill atheon for no time to explain quest line. GT is same as name
Need 5 for vault
Need 5 for fresh gamertag is the same
LF Atheon CP, team of 4.
Vault of Glass on Xbox one Wanting to do No Time To Explain quest Everyone is welcome, Atheon Checkpoint would be awesome GT^^^^
315 Warlock, looking to do VOG HARD for dat Vex! Anyone wanna Vault of Glass and Chill lemme know!;D
314 Titan, looking to do VOG HARD for dat Vex! Anyone wanna Vault of Glass and Chill lemme know!;D
Light level 307 looking to raid GT: Elite Trooperx
Need 4 for fresh hard vog message for invite
Need 2 vog hard Xbox 1
313 Titan, looking to run VOG HARD for Vex and stoof! Message me if you're down!
313 Titan, looking to run VOG HARD for Vex and stoof! Message me if you're down!
Getting a team together for fresh HARD I'm a 315 Hunter will carry people if you need it, message me for an invite gt joumieserene
Need people to speedrun VOG Hard. Getting all chests
2 spots left for vog. Message me to join.
Anyone for VOG hard?
Level 304 warlock no mic but have Touch of Malice GT same as above
Gatekeeper CP message BHG bloodwar
Gorgons labyrinth cp message bhg bloodwar
Looking to do hard VoG 300 light Message Gt same as above ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Looking for a checkpoint or fresh, I have 1 other friend as well that will join. Invite GT: Wilsoc1
Need 3 more people