Need someone for daily 4 no time to explain msg daddyonefour 4 inv
Need one for nightfall in progress Message pr0fessa chaos for inv
Need 2 for exotic strangers rifle 310 or higher know what you r doing gt the same
Need 2 for the exotic pulse rifle no time to explain.. 310+ that know how send msg for invite.. gt madmark72
270 hunter need daily heroic, GT smahogny
I want to help people get their spindle Message oblongsounds for inv. Just be above 270ish light. Be able to follow directions. Last team b4 reset 100% first try success rate.
Can someone please help me with final tom mission. Gt omegasraft
Need 1 already started gt same as above
319 Titan Imago farming Dragons breath/know strat Gt dharkhunter81 Team that actually knows how to farm!!!! Xbox1
319 Titan Imago farming Gt sharkhunter81
Need 1 for nightfall msg TriaxialThunder for invite
Need 1 for nightfall msg TriaxialThunder for invite
Need 1 for nightfall msg TriaxialThunder for invite
I Need help doing daily heroic gt above
309 warlock looking to do black spindel
320 warlock if nightfall add on Xbox
Need one for the run. We are both pros. We've done this over 40x helping people. Message slayer of foes
NEED 2 MORE TITANS ONLY Message me OR invite me TryLess Phoenix Xb1
318 warlock looking for a group doing the black spindle mission. Gamertag same as above, send an invite if you'd like.
298 hunter if someone wouldn't mind showing me how it's done
NEED 2 MORE TITANS ONLY Message me OR invite me TryLess Phoenix Xb1
Need 1any class 310+
320 Titan doing black spindle carries gt-JTheman1987
I want to help people get their spindle Message oblongsounds for inv. Just be above 270ish light. Be able to follow directions. I will get back to you if Im in the middle of helping another team. Xbox 1 first come first serve basis 100% first try success rate
I want to help people get their spindle Message oblongsounds for inv. Just be above 270ish light. Be able to follow directions. I will get back to you if Im in the middle of helping another team. Xbox 1 first come first serve basis
Need 2 315+ light plz and know what to do