LFG have sister cp, msg "king j terrell"
Need 1 for warpriest. Message gt: ajStarhawk
315 Lock. Hard on sisters. Need 1 Titans. GT is the same msg character + light for inv.
305 hunter looking for totems or fresh
Need 2 oryx cp 295+ know what to do GT above
Looking for 3 more for fresh normal kings fall raid 300+ light and must be experienced War priest challenge Msg light and class Gt: Squ1rrelBoyz
Need 5 for oryx cp be experienced 300 light plus gt above message for invite
Helpin my wife level up need 2 for fresh normal run GT same message in game for invite.
Need 2 for normal golgoroth Xbox 300+
308 warlock lookn to do daughters on normal GT Bosniagreywolf
need 4 for normal golgoroth cp preferably 300+ experienced gt same as above
DeltaAgent 306 Titan looking for Oryx CP. Prefer a team with skill to get this done.
Need full fireteam for kingsfall hard mode warpriest Challenege. 315 plus and know what to do.
Looking for kings fall oryx checkpoint, done the raid apart from the end. Lvl 304 Gt hatlessconnor
Need 4 for sisters normal message sgt ghost574 for an invite on xb1 anyone above 295 is good
Have normal totems cp. must be experienced. 300+. Mic required. Msg for inv. Gt above
[quote][quote]Need 2 for hard raid oryx 314 hunter gt sam as above must be above 310+ must be titan plz xb1[/quote]
304 warlock, looking for fresh normal run, I know what I'm doing, inv for XB1 - DEATHKLOWN
Need 4 for KF fresh. 290+. Please know what you are doing. Msg gt above
Oryx cp normal Need 1 Gt: the regulator89
Need 5 normal fresh raid message me on xbox Gt: cococolaninja Requirements Light 290+ Mic
Need 1 at deThsingers cp Gt: the regulator89
Looking for 5 guardians to do king fall on normal mode! Must be 290+ and have experience in the raid! Must be 16+ my gamertag FeedTheDingo message for invite
308 Hunter looking for totems cp. Looking to finish raid quickly.
Need 1 titan message gt above
Looking for 5 guardians to do king fall on normal mode! Must be 290+ and have experience in the raid! Must be 16+ my gamertag FeedTheDingo message for invite