4 needed for bridge Gt above
Crota: hard, fresh run. Need sword bearer experienced players noobs will be kicked. GT:darkassassinone
Looking to do crota hard any cp invite NadalFan9
Crota: hard, fresh run. Need sword bearer experienced players noobs will be kicked. GT:darkassassinone
I'm a 34 hunter looking to do crota hard invite me pls
Need 2 more for hard crota hard
Need 4 more for hard msg for inv
Need 1 at confluxes message gt : LLsludgeLL
Hosting Croats end hard fresh msg for inv
crotas checkpoint level 32+ to join meassage for inv same as above
Hosting Croats end hard fresh msg for inv
Hosting Croats end hard fresh msg for inv
Need 2 at Crota hard
Need 4 for hard crota cp msg for inv
Need 4 for fresh Crota normal, msg for inv
Need 4 for fresh Croat hard need 2 Titans with bubble sword bearer and what ever else I'm helping my fiancée do it for the first time I'm experienced message me gt Xs KRIPTIC sX for inv
I'm in gt is name
Hunter 32 for Cropta hard invite me pls
34 warlock looking to do hard crota. Msg Mr Melee M4n
Need 1 @ crota Max galley preferred Gt same
Need 1 fresh run
Looking to do a hard crota's end I'm a lvl 34 titan with a maxed gally I have no mic but I know what to do. Invite me gt is IronManJRod
Need 2 at bridge cp crota hard. Gt being black
Need 3 fresh run
Croat hard Last boss Lf two that know how to sword We all have gallies Message Anthonyf101 for invite
Need people and sword bearer for Crota hard cp. Message on Xbox for invite, Gamertag same as above