[quote][quote]Know how to kill oryx please send N Y Px Sasha for an invite[/quote][/quote]
Looking for one light 300+ to help with touch of malice final mission on phobos. Message for inv. Gt above, thx!
Need 1 for daily gt same
Need 2 for daily
304 hunter, already in the daily. Gt same as above
Level 290 warlock please invite me gamertag above
Starting daily need 2 Msg on xbox
Doing the daily at oryx gt ungawd
•Anybody wanna do some heroics• •Must talk• •Know what to do• •Any level and character• •Message arch of destiny•
293 Warlock looking for daily.
302 lock for daily same GT
293 hunter for daily Message FrothyWalrus666 for an invite
LFG for First Firewall (SABER) quest
Looking for 1-2ppl to run multiple heroics for legendary and exotic engrams. MUST HAVE MIC. free bong hits!
Need 2 at final boss message joeyhii50
need 2 for daily.
Join me please at the end part just need help it is hard
Ms for invite
At the end of the daily GT PRESIDENTFAMOUS
Im at the end and i just need some fire power please. 243 warlock. Gt same as above.
Need 3 for VOG hard I'm a 309 light message Sgt Jermz for inv
Looking for two ppl to do the daily. Msg crakkity Jones for inv
302 warlock wanting to do daily. Send msg in game for inv gt same
At the end. I need help. 280 titan. Msg me
At boss MSG: GR4Y PYR4 For Inv
On the last part of the mission GT PRESIDENTFAMOUS