Looking for Crota run. Lvl 34 Titan with full weapons. Message/invite ReconKing555
At Crota checkpoint. Need swordbearer. Any help at all message Gt same as above
At Crota cp looking for Titan with bubble. Message gt above for invite
Edited by BACQUEKG 69: 9/4/2015 11:27:20 AMAt Crota need a sword bearer gt above
34 hunter looking for a hard crota run. Send invite.
I'm a 34 hunter with good weapons and I'm really experienced at swordbearing and tonight I'm helping out any group without a swordbearer Gamertag = PRETSL Panda
Crota cp msg for inv gt Cole w
Looking for fresh. 34 Hunter send invite.
Lvl 34 looking for fresh run Gt markymark allen
Lvl 34 looking for fresh run Gt markymark allen
Need three fresh run gt above
Need four fresh run gt above
Crota cp need 4 Message Mr tallywhacka
I need one really good player for crota
at crota need swordbearer
Starting fresh HARD run on CROTA. Gt same as username
34 hunter looking for fresh run crota hard
34 hunter looking for fresh run crota hard
Lvl34W LFG any cp have mic
Need two gt above
Lv34 Titan, Max Weapons. Can swordbear or Dps. Gt same as above invite. Lf crota cp or any cp
Sb for hire must have team and Crota cp send message to s2a da king
Sb for hire must have team and Crota cp send message to s2a da king
Hosting fresh hard run message me on xbox for inv
Need 4 more for Crota Hard fresh run, need a sword bearer, message me if you can run sword, please have a mic and experience. Message over Xbox for invite, gt: jkHitstick1175
Doing Crota Hard Fesh. Msg Prizie.