Looking for fresh run invite dkremix
Lvl 34 hunter both subclasses mastered i have icebreaker and gjallarhorn is max looking to join at anypoint in the raid
Lvl 34 titan want to join team for crota on hard. Will join at any cp or fresh Inv audikai21
[u][b]Looking for a 34 ress warlock to three man it, it's well easy, iv done it 5 times, will only take people who are experienced with hard Crota for mega quick run[/b][/u]
Need 4 for hard crota, were at crota cp, NEED GOOD SWORD BEARER, msg Legacy1411 for an invite
[u][b]Looking for a 34 ress warlock to three man it, it's well easy, iv done it 5 times, will only take people who are experienced with hard Crota for mega quick run[/b][/u]
[u][b]Looking for a 34 ress warlock to three man it, it's well easy, iv done it 5 times, will only take people who are experienced with hard Crota for mega quick run[/b][/u]
34 Titan looking for crota run any cp inv me
At crota on hard looking for a team to put him down
Looking for fresh hard lee of d lungs
Need decent sword bearer for hard crota, crota cp, we only need 1 and must be a sword bearer, msg Legacy1411 for an invite
Looking for 2 more for a hard crota fresh run, msg Legacy1411 for an invite
Lvl 34 Titan LFG plz Gt: M4TC4T
Level 34 Titan and level 34 warlock, looking to do a hard crota at any cp, send us an invite Legacy1411 and mistercool122
Looking for hard crota run gt MAX P0WER25
Need 2 for hard death singer checkpoint. 1 needs to be a swordbearer. Message pookey03 for invite
Need players for crota, have sword guy. Msg for inv
Need team fresh crota hard Gt blu916
need 4 crota hard mode, be experienced know what your doing. HAVE GALLY, we have an experienced sword bearer already message PINSAK for inv
Sword bearer With deep internal hatred for crota whoring his abilities to all Inv oblongsounds Crota or death singer's cp is favored
Need Titan CROTA HARD CP message disi1274
Need Titan CROTA HARD CP message disi1274
Need 1 for CTOTA HARD bridge CP message disi1274
Need one more for Crota cp hard msg me for invite
Looking to do Crota hard fresh. 34 warlock max weapons. Gt same as above
Crota hard cp need 4 gt same as above message for invite