292 warlock need 1 for daily heroic.
Need a little help on the last boss in heroic strike
I need one teammate to help me with the last Malice mission. Please be well equipped I'm at the very end Gamer tag above
Looking for two people for daily mission 295 hunter Msg in game Gt ck diesel
Need help with fears embrace mission at boss message kevcg12 for invite
I just started daily solo I could use two more Heartsorelion11
Starting daily heroic, need 1 more. GT same as name
Edited by The Frothiest Walrus: 10/2/2015 7:03:00 PM292 hunter for daily... message FrothyWalrus666 for invite or reply here Needing 1 more
Looking to do daily. Gt above send invite
Need 2 for patrol mission quests. Message gt above for invite.
304 nightstalker about to do daily heroic. Message me if youd like an inv gt: its Graphikz
291 warlock lookin for a quick daily. Message for inv
Anybody want to do the undying mind (level 40 strike for touch of malice quest) with me? I'm light level 302 warlock. Gt same just message for inv
293 titan looking for heroic team inv
It's actually quite disappointing to see the same mission being recycled I short time on heoric. Unless there is a secret we've missed, I might not bother with today's one.
Need 2 for the taken war earth the taken champions
Well I believe I started a daily before the reset, if anyone wants in just send me a message on Xbox Live. Gamertag same as above
307 Titan here looking for daily heroic team before reset!
Last boss on daily can someone help real quick plz
284 Titan looking to join daily. GT: serpent vi
Looking todo daily msg me for invite GT is same as above.
Hosting a Daily, message on XBL to join!
need 2 for daily
Need help finishing exotic sword bounty Msg for invite gt same as above On the last strike
Need 2 players willing to help me with last part of touch of malice quest 295+ light only plz msg arcade frinzy for invite
need 2 for daily. message my gt.