Need 1 for Vog hard, we're on beginning of last part, need someone that knows what there doing, message xSupaFriedRicex
Need 2 at conflux cp Gt is above
34 lf hard vog
Need a team for vog fresh. Msg Archangel176775 for inv
Need a team for vog fresh. Msg Archangel176775 for inv
Can someone give me vog normal gatekeeper checkpoint inv me gt Bulldogaviator
Need a team for vog fresh. Msg Archangel176775 for inv
Hosting fresh hard vog msg for invite
Need 1 for Conflux Hard
Need a team for vog fresh. Msg me for inv
Looking for a group to teach me how to do vog hard. Please I am a 33 and want to learn. Gt is the same as above xb1
Lfg lv 31 hunter vog run hard for emblam inv geneslicr
4 players maxed looking for Vog hard fresh, message xSupaFriedRicex asap!
Need 2 for hard VoG. 34s only. We have one 28. We have 3 34's. Will still b a quick run. Gt same. Message for inv
Need 1 for vog hard fresh. Msg 4 inv
34 hunter and 34 Titan. Hosting Hard mode VOG. Looking for 4 players. We have max black hammer, ice breaker, gjalleyhorn, Crota. Must be experience players of this raid if not I will drop from the fire team, simple as that. Send message to jerramster or fat sonic kid for the invite on Xbox one1. DONT MESSAGE US ON THE FORUMS!. Thank you
Need experienced players at gatekeeper cp msg anabrus
Need 2 at the gatekeeper msg th3 reaper for inv
Only ran vog once .... lvl 31 trying to get the last 2parts to year 1 emblam atheon/poe hard .... again lvl 31 hunter inv geneslicer
Need 4 fresh run on hard xmissanthropy for inv
34 warlock Max gjally (OFC). Lf crota hard. GT same as above.
Need 3 for atheon, must have experience, message Dan Owen x for invite
Need 2 at the gatekeeper msg th3 reaper for inv
34 Warlock looking for Atheon cp..... Send invite to GT: AirGeck00
34 warlock w max gally lookin for vog No mic Inv pls xschMOOzex
Level 34 hunter looking for fresh run