need 2 for daily. message my gt.
Hosting Daily heroic story. Xbox One - Sick Gus
need 2 for daily, have at least 250 light
Need one or teo for daily hc. Be 240+. Message me on xbox
Need 1 for already started daily message for invite
Edited by iPANDA 6s: 10/1/2015 7:53:04 PMNeed 2 for daily ..
need 2 for daily
Warlock Lvl 275 invite me
Doing daily heroic atm I'm light lv 222 titan striker/defender. Msg for inv.
Looking to do daily. Gt above send invite
Need 2 for daily
Need hlp on touch of malice strike quest 2 290+ plz help real quick Msg my GT above ON BOSS ALREADY!
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ][You need a Bungie® Secondclass Premium Destiny membership to view this comment][/url]
Need 2 for daily heroic
Nf at boss send masage for invite
need 1 gt same as above msg for inv
xRadke Lvl 295 Warlock
Lvl 291 light warlock, looking for an experienced team to get black spindle! Gamertag same as above, slide me a message!
300 warlock looking for a good fireteam to smash this out. Have taken the boss out and have just been left with ads but timer ran out. 300+ would be preferred, GT: ExcessiveTokerr
need one titan message dippin stautz on xbl to join
Need one 295+ hunter gt Rizzle 17
Exp 293 [i]HUNTER[/i] looking to join team of higher light for [u]BLACK SPINDLE[/u] Msg/Inv [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b] on [b][u]XBOX ONE[/u][/b]
303 hunter looking to do the nightfall. Gt same
Nf send massage for invite
Need 1 more for black spindle run. 297 light plus message on xbox for invite
Need one more for exotic run GT same as above