Looking for 5 guardians to do king fall on normal mode! Must be 290+ and have experience in the raid! Must be 16+ my gamertag FeedTheDingo message for invite
Looking for 2 people to do fresh run with. 300+preferred But will take less with experience Mic required! Will do warpriest challenge Message: one punch ruin For invite
I'm a 317 hunter looking to do Warpriest challenge mode I have a crap ton of exp on norm so inc
Looking for 5 guardians to do king fall on normal mode! Must be 290+ and have experience in the raid! Must be 16+ my gamertag FeedTheDingo message for invite
Need 4 for fresh Msg gt: the regulator89
Looking for someone with oryx cp 305 hunter experienced
Looking for a team warlock 299 invite at same as above
need 1 for oryx cp! should take one try! msg/join: ii no Beasty
I'm a 311 Titan looking to norm oryx I have experience so inv me
Need 1 Titan with ToM at oryx cp
XB1 AT NORMAL SISTERS 300+ Experienced Needed Message me on XB for invite My GT is my user
319 Hunter looking to carry a 307 Warlock through please be patient, need 4 people two titans message OMR TakeDown on XBL also Oryx cp normal run
Need 4 for sisters msg me for inv
Need two perf. Thick chicks and hairy oryx message ieatyourpoptart
Need 5 for oryx cp on normal. Need experience and mic. Msg same gt for inv
Edited by AIeckay: 3/18/2016 10:03:50 PMNeed 4 for sisters msg me for inv
Edited by Hashira G: 3/18/2016 9:57:40 PMNeed 2 message Ieatyourpoptart
Looking for warpries 311 hunter Tom and spindle
305 Titan . Looking for golgoroth or sisters checkpoint Inv xkingsavage24
Need 1 for fresh run. Msg hijakd.
Need 5 for sisters msg me for inv
Need 5 for sisters msg me for inv
Need 1 for Fresh NORMAL 300+ Message SalvatruchoMLG with class and light Lvl
Need 3 for normal fresh
Need 5 for fresh run or if someone has a totems cp everyone must know what you're doing must be 305+ with tom and spindle. No kids!
Kings fall hard fresh, 310+ mic and experience gt same as above