34 hunter. Gt same as above. Max weapons
2 for fresh run. Message for inv
Need 5 people for fresh crota hard, I can run sword so don't need another sword bearer. Must have a mic and speak English. Gt XreesyboyX
Need 2 for fresh run we need sword bearer
Looking to do to crota on hard invite ScopeTheJujube
34 hunter Running swordbear crota hard
Need 5 for fresh hard crota. 32+ only with a good rocket. I can run sword. Msg: xmyswagislegitx for an invite.
Need 4 for a Crota fresh run. Message Tim ovoxo
Need five for crota checkpoint on hard message nfrostdude123 for invite
Level 35 PoE on skolas need one more person message for invite GT: DawnWolfs
34 Titan looking for fresh run GT: TheAngryHobbit0
Need 3 for fresh run
34 Titan LF fresh Crota hard invite s2k cracka
Need 3 for fresh run
34 warlock looking for team to do crota raid hard Send invite and I will join. I am experienced an know how to cheese bridge, do the witches? Etc. I use maxed ghally, her benevolence, and fang of ir yūt
Looking for fresh start on hard inv LK Dynamo
Need 4 for crota cp on normal message poisen carton for invite I am running fresh hard after
Hard Crota check point, need one to run sword and one to fire rockets with me aiming for crux msg Jworkski for invite
Need group for fresh hard I run sword and can solo the pit gt same message for inv or send me an inv
Need 5 including a titan and swordbearer for fresh hard crota. Message in game for invite. Gt same
At bridge need 3
34 Warlock for hard fresh Crota Inv Gibley250
Crota's end Need 4 Msg Dreadtherhino
Need 5 for crota hard fresh message for invite
Hey all I have a Crota hard cp if you are interested. Message me on xbox or reply to a different post.
Gate keepers. Have two