Looking for two to get black spindle Warlock 294 Inv PapichuloMuffin
294 hunter looking for other 294+ to do daily
Need 2 for black spindle quest message TradingPath205 for an invite
Need one more for lost light mission msg get same as above
299 lock lets -blam!- shit up GT same as name
295 warlock looking for a team gt savagewolf909
Looking for two to get black spindle Warlock 294 Inv PapichuloMuffin
Need 2 message for invite
Need 1 295+ for black spindle. Must have mic and exp gt same as name msg me for inv
Lvl 303 hunter with the exotic sword, need two more (one being a titan) that knows what to do and has a sword or shotgun for tanniks. Gt is same, must be 295+
Looking for 1 more. . Gt leomelop
Need 2 message for invite
Edited by Naughty Narhwal: 10/1/2015 12:17:32 AM290 hunter, gt as same as above
Looking to complete this quickly. Invite if you need help and you know what you are doing
Need 1 for priest Gt f r a n
Need 2 Gt pappa chubbyy My light is 292
Need 1
300 warlock have done spindle twice invite for a quick easy run, gt same as above
287 Titan already done with the first part just need 2 more. GT is same as above. Xbox one
lvl 299 titan no mic but can still hear u invite gt same as above
298 warlock msg gt above
looken for a team gt:Creationz831 invite me warlock 301 need to no how to do it
Lvl 40 hunter with 301 light nighthawk looking for daily inv me gt djkidmix
300 titan looking for spindle group 300 plus and swords please gt as above
Need a level 298 titan or higher
Wizard 289 light to do daily heroic. Please add gt SmirkyMrMcNulty