Looking to do lost to light quest Light : 299 GT: TheBeastIsNear
296 hunter looking to do daily Gt. Arg66
Needs 2 for black spindle gt^
273 light Hunter, LFG Xbox one Black spindle exotic mission, Invite [u]call me Bret x[/u] Thanks
Need 2 titans for black spindle
296 titan any subclass looking for spindle run
300 titan looking for spindle group 300 plus and swords please gt as above
Need 2 for daily, 295 light, gt same as above
301 Hunter looking to get Black Spindle. Don't send invite if light level below 297
293 warlock looking to help doing daily for black spindle. Inv same as above
294 hunter looking to get spindle. Gt above.
300 Titan GT ABOVE
285 light warlock looking for black spindle mission group gt is same as above
Level 297 Hunter Gt Erase Rampage
Titan 301 looking for team for lost light (black spindle) inv me gt above (pls be high light since it isn't easy)
Need one 290+ light gt same above
[quote]Need 2 to help me on kill the taken champion quest, just on the last boss stirok, will only take about 10 mins to complete but run out of time on my own. Can anyone help me out?[/quote]
On way out of hellmouth need two
301 nightstalker looking for a team. Gt same as above
Looking for team I'm lvl 296 light
Looking for group message zmasterdude for invite. 290 defender Titan
302 nightstalker, be above 300 light invite me,gt is Valorous X2
Need 1 more for black spindle mission message me for invite
Looking for 2 more, at checkpoint of steal the crystal, message me for invite.
Looking for two to get the black spindle must be 300+ gt is nukezap message me if you want to join.
295 Defender Titan with Helm 14 looking to get Black Spindle. Have a maxed Invective and Taken rocket launcher. Inv me my GT is Servbot1299.