295 Defender Titan with Helm 14 looking to get Black Spindle. Have a maxed Invective and Taken rocket launcher. Inv me my GT is Servbot1299.
Looking for two to do nightfall Gt BenitAndTheJetz for invites be light level 280+ please
Looking for two to do nightfall Gt BenitAndTheJetz for invites be light level 280+ please
295 warlock, looking to get black spindle. I havent watched the video to know what to do so Ill just follow whoever im with. GT: SadisticSugar
Inv Titan 301
Need 2 for black spindle message kevcg12 for invite
Looking for a spindle team.. I ve done it a few times...want to get the ship...must have sword and arc+void damage..I handle solar... send message for inv or inv me
Looking for 1 to run daily going for black spindle needs to be lvl 300+ msg for inv gt same as above
Already Inside the door. Need 2. Message YooperBerry for inv
Looking for two to do nightfall Gt BenitAndTheJetz for invites be light level 280+ please
Need two message gamer tag above
Need one for black spindle, be 295+
302 Titan looking for a group. 295+ I have a Sol Edge. Add Shaftexx
Level 40 light 287 warlock looking to do black spindle run
Need 2 with 300+ light for black spindle run gt above
Need 1 for black spindle. Gt OriginalEnding
299 warlock looking for people doing. Black spindle. Invite alexjones977
300 titan looking for spindle group 300 plus and swords please gt as above
301 hunter looking for group around 300 for black spindle run!
302 Titan running daily. Please have experience and light over 298. Message almondtuba15567 for inv
295 Hunter going for spindle. Have the exotic sword for the "sword the boss to death" method. gt is jaysquared2
297 warlock, already at part where ogre is taken
Need 1 295+ Gt same above
I'm a 297 hunter looking for 2 to get the black spindle. Please don't be a scrub or you will be kicked. Must be 297 or higher.
Edited by HylianKnight0429: 9/30/2015 2:48:35 PM297 Warlock looking for team to get Black Spindle. Please invite HylianKnight429.
Need a Titan 295+. Msg GT for invite