Need a Titan 295+. Msg GT for invite
Need 1 going for black spindle 295+
292 warlock looking for group. 295 auto rifle. 300 shot. 299 rockets. Xbox one. Message si RICK zr
302 light hunter Looking for black spindle run Invite fallestra
need 2 for Black spindle must b 295 +
Lvl 295 titan gt lucky touch
Need 2 for black spindle message kevcg12 for invite
Need one for daily black spindle preferred 300 with exp
292 warlock looking for group. 295 auto rifle. 300 shot. 299 rockets.
288 Titan sunbreaker Hawkmoon Long far gone Sol edge
302 titan for black spindle team inv dglp00ponyou
need 1 titan for group gt same as above
Lvl 293 warlock lookin to get black spindle gt Omega Gamer 21
Lvl 40 276 light warlock to get black spindle on xbox please invite
Light 295 hunterlooking for two equal or above in light to help with black spindle mission..already beaten before I'm just trying for the ship gt same.. experience would nice
293 hunter looking for group gt same as above
302 hunter looking for a team. Message me. Gt the same as above
Looking for two to do nightfall Gt BenitAndTheJetz for invites
297 hunter GT as above
299 hunter looking to get black spindle
296 Hunter for black spin. Gt is icealater.
300 Defender Titan with Exotic void sword. If you need someone for the blind sword method, message jodon72.
291 Titan on Xbox one looking for group to accomplish this. Inv glocktoter
Need 1 more to get the black spindle must have 295 light and rocket launcher.
302 light hunter Looking for black spindle run Invite fallestra
Gt xxDRAIGESTxx light 250 wanting to do daily to get black spindle