Got Atheon CP. need 5 players who know what they're doing so we can role through 3 real quick. GT same as above. Message me on XBOX live and I'll invite. Thanks!
Have two for vault of glass hard, send invite to GT above
Inv for fresh vog gt: thejoshzzz
LVL 34 TITAN inv maxed ghorn fatebringer partycrasher +1. Prefers a fresh start.
Got Atheon CP. need 5 players who know what they're doing so we can role through 3 real quick. GT same as above. Message me on XBOX live and I'll invite. Thanks!
Need 4 at atheon cp same gt. know how to use relic
At final cp need 3 more players my gt is same Crota end raid hard
At Templar hard need 4 Msg OC34N FR35H for invite
Need 3 for fresh VoG 33+
Need 4 At Gatekeeper cp
Looking for one for vog hard mode on oracles cp
Need 1 for vog hard fresh run msg THED3ADLYGAM3R for an invite
Need five for atheon cp hard Msg on xbone
Need a max level Titan with WL and has max halt and legendary a on CP 5 on Poe 35 must have done it before
Need 5 people for vog hard Gorgon cp msg THED3ADLYGAM3R for an invite
Need one more for fresh hard on xbox one msg me on the one if interested...
looking for Templar check point HARD MODE ONLY Message me GT- J X FACE
Looking for 4 people we have hard Atheon checkpoint looking for people with max gjallys msg for an inv Xbox one gt:itsskieran
Looking to do Atheon Im a 34 warlock very experienced and max gjally inv me Xbox one gt:itsskieran
Doing Poe 35 need to be a level 34 and have ALL max weapons and must knowing what your doing and Beatin skolas before. Need a blade dancer and a Titan with weapons of light, I will test to see if you have the kell breaker emblem
Trying to join a team 34 warlock inv GT c Prevail c
At gatekeeper 4 msg anabrus
Need 5 for VOG hard i have gatekeeper CP msg my gamertag above
Need two VOG hard fresh
Oracle checkpoint on hard, need 5. Msg halfbloodpomsie on Xbox for invite
need 3 for fresh vog hard message xJupiter IS Hot for a invite