Need 5 more for hard crota kill
Need 4 for fresh start Crota hard message me for invite GT: Xx9LoneWolf7xX
Lv 34 Titan with max ghorn looking to do Crota hard fresh or whatever
Need 3 fresh hard run. MSG for INV
Inv Raftis
Need 4 fresh run!
32 hunter LFG Crota hard. Gally. Name same as GT
34 Hunter swordbearer and gally
Need 4 more for crota cp. msg GT same as above.
Hard Crota cp Need 3 Pls be 33+ Msg for inv Gt above
Looking for four players one of them swordbearer fresh start crota raid msg: "skullxkrakaa" and "lord of lazuli" for inv
Looking for more for hard Crota please be experienced and know know what you're doing message Nc Overdose for inv
crota cp hard msg for inv need 2
Need 2 for Crota cp hard GT: ADK1997285
34 Hunter Swordbearer Fresh run Invite me
34 hunter (swordbearer) needing crota kill.
Need 1 more Crota cp
Crota checkpoint. Need two players. Gt same as above
Hosting fresh Crotas end hard run need sword bearer and 3 others message Gt Witch Renari for invite
Gamble3000 34 Titan HARD CROTA - fresh run
I have the bridge and can run sword, I need five message for invite
Need 4 for crota fresh message gt above
Need 2 warlocks for hard Crota, message Tactical Seed
Edited by Master Jerker: 9/1/2015 2:10:47 AMNeed a sword bearer for Crota hard msg gt above
Need for Crota hard inc. Msg Tactical Seed
Level 34 hunter looking for group. Looking for fresh run or crota CP hard mode invite GT: ZER0 SHAD0W