Looking for spindle group 293 Titan Xbox one With mic Gt xX sarge
Looking to get the spindle. 297 warlock with exotic sword. GT TheTrueGamer32 invite or message me
Need 2 for daily heroic story (black spindle) message: QuiCk SpaNk
Looking for black spindle. 287 Titan. Gt is same
295 warlock for daily, gt rolfthegoatking
300 titan looking for two 300 plus for spindle gt as above for inv
looken for a team gt:Creationz831 invite me warlock 301
Looking for one more to do daily heroic/black spindle. Message GT Whitedog1401 for invite.
Hey trying to get black spindle msg Everything Trap for Inv
Gt: Speedster Blitz Hunter 295 xbox one Send inv , i don't speak English but i can understand and follow.
Need 1 298+ for black spindle, message for invite
Looking for one for black spindle 297+
Need one more to do daily send me a msg my gt is the same as above
Looking for 1 more. 300 Xbox one
Edited by NOAH thee WISE: 9/30/2015 12:38:25 PMNeed 1 295+ for daily msg for invite gt same as above
299 hunter looking for daily story. Invite bycosta. Already have spindle. Xbox one
300+warlock looking for 2 more to help me get the black spindle plz be atleast 300 light message gt turretedbore5
295 defender titan already got it on my hunter Inv me please
Looking for a Black Spindle team I am a titan with 286 light on xbox one
Looking for spindle team... Titan 294L ...inv me or send message for inv
294 warlock lf black spindle run gt siami
Looking for team titan 295 gt same
I'm at end of daily and could use two more Heartsorelion11
Need 1 more 300
302 light hunter Looking for black spindle run Invite fallestra
BLACK SPINDLE need a 300+ titan with good weapons message TREESUS CHR1ST