Need 1 on Xbox 1 to run it. I'm just trying to get the ship right now so message me for an invite.
305 hunter needing two more for blak spindle??
Need 1 more for spindle 295+
Need 2 for black spindle run 295+ Msg CanadianFelony for inv
Edited by Umbralix: 9/30/2015 10:02:20 AMAbout to go in the elevator need 2 300+ asap Need 1 more
294 hunter looking for group send am invite to xtexxxxxx please ( 6 x's at the end )
need one for blackspindle, must be 295+ with shotgun for beginning and sniper for boss. message Rambo Hush
Need one for nightfall at boss msg for inv 300 light +
302 warlock have beaten before just trying for ship gt same
Need one for black spindle run 295+ plz message me here or on Xbox one GT: xxbaker562xx
297 Titan inv Gt shadow lord 177
Level 296 Titan looking to try to get the black spindle invite GT same as above
Need two 300+ for lost to light, Black Spindle farm. I'm 302 Hunter with ToM. message in-game. Gt: Rusty Na1l
Looking to do heroic for black spindle must have 300+ light msg gt above for inv
295 Titan looking for run - please invite - gt qback27
Need 1 for Black Spindle. Preferably 290+. Gamertag: Waffle Ranger.
Need 2 for black spindle mission 280+ light GT above
295 Titan looking for run - please invite - gt qback27
Need one for black spindle. We are in the room with 2 locks. Pref 290+
Edited by choppymark: 9/30/2015 9:47:24 AMNeed a team for the daily heroic I'm hunter 299 light
Looking for help to get black spindle need two msg on Xbox include light and class
Need 1 for daily 290-300+ light
Oryx cp need 1 more message me Must have a mic on Xbox gamertag is happy go hard
Need 2 for Black Spindle. Preferably 280+. In the middle of the mission. Msg me for invite. Gt same as name.
Looking for one more almost did it with just us 2 just need one more
Need 2 for black spindle mission.. gt i clear pros