34 hunter. Experienced swordbearer. Looking to join crota checkpoint on hard or normal. Gt: same
33 Titan looking for fresh crota hard
looking for 2 more fresh run, have experienced team of 34's message me online for inv
Need a sword bearer for Crota, message GT above for invite.
Running sword for people. Gt above
34 Titan sword bearer experienced Any cp Invite me
34 Warlock looking to run VOG/Crota Hard. All weapons nessicary for both. ONLY Invite me if you need 1. GT: MikeRusso14
Two more hard crota gt above
-Lvl.34 Hunter Looking for 5 more experienced players [CROTA's END] - [HARD] - [CROTA CP] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
Done Crota Hard this week but need 5 including Swordbearer msg KCJNR for invite. At Crota CP
Sword looking for crota cp No bubbles needed GT: izveli
Need 4 for Crota on Normal. Fresh start. GT same as above. Msg for invite.
2 34 warlocks looking for hard Crota raid, we've done it many times gt same as above to invite me and my friend
Crota hard checkpoint send invite
34 Titan, looking to do quick Crota HARD runs, 3 runs if people are down for it! Invite me!:)
On crota hard Cp need sword bearer
On crota hard Cp need sword bearer
Need the Crota hard checkpoint. Need to run it 3 times fast to try and get the crux
Looking for group Crota hard 34 Titan maxed gally (not swordbearer) GT: Hitman Spectre
Need 2 for fresh Crota hard have sb
Need 5 for fresh crota run on hard msg gt above
Need sword bearer for hard crota cp msg me GT madrox2
I have crota cp I need 5 people message for invite
34 Hunter Running Croat hard join me Mystic Timber
need four plus sword for crota hard fresh gt same as name, msg for invite
34 hunter looking for groups that need a sword bearer please invite