Need 2 for black spindle quest. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING THEN DON'T MESSAGE ME. Gt is same is name
Hosting daily. 295+ msg for invite
2 lvl 285 needing 1 285+ to do black spindle. We are at the point before the lift so we only have to race against time. Mssg Gods Espada for invite. Xbox one
Someone invite me. 302 Titan
296 hunter Gt same as name
Edited by Scof22: 9/30/2015 10:11:12 AMneed 1 for spindle at the cp right before message on live
Need 1 for black spindle 290 + gt same msg in game
Need one more 300+
Need one for spindle message me for invite gt is name
Need help to get black spindle msg me on Xbox include light and class
305 Titan looking to get spindle Msg t88gunnarebel
290+ for the exotic, msg me for invite Gt: aunva64
Staring group for the exotic run 295 gt same as above mag for invite
Looking for 2 300+ message me
Looking for Titans I have easy method lets get the black spindle
Need 2. Need help with Black Spindle 290+ invite me or in game msg me
Need one more light level 300+ for daily, going for black spindle again msg for inv gt Thatguybeli, I'm light 305.
Need 1 for black spindle
need 2 people light 290+ message SEKER H32
Need 2 for black spindle Please have 290+ light
Need one more light level 300+ for daily, going for black spindle again msg for inv gt Thatguybeli
304 hunter looking for lost light gt same as name
303 light Titan looking for people to get black spindle with, invite zimbo iz pro
Want the spindle Gt: AK LITTLE LIGHT on xbone
303 hunter LF a good group that knows how to do this.
Need 2 Must be 280+ In game msg me