Need a team for hard crota message me
Edited by doub1eOh7: 1/31/2016 10:21:32 PMI want to put a team together to do run flawless on normal for the achievement. Only need one or two more
Looking for a team to do crotas end hard msg same gamertag
Need 3 people for hard oryx(Titans needed) 315+ Tom needed Message Wakelessduke63 Join fast
Invite me, 316 hunter
320titan, LF vog, CE, or skolas, send inv x1
Kings fall hard need 3
Need 2 for Crota raid hard at Crota now running a few new people through message for invite gt as above
Xb1 319 warlock Crota cp on hard mode 2 needed 5 would be nice
Hey guys check out my stream and stop by if you want to see a guy messing around in crota's end www.twitch.tv/Anti_normies101
Need four 317+ for oryx challenge on hard send class and level to shibbypanda72
314 hunter need 4 more fresh crota hard mode, Message ElementalAura
319 titan Crota cp on hard mode 2 needed 5 would be nice
320 warlock need fresh run on hard mode. Send invite to GT : USMCs Equalizer
317 hunter looking for any crotas end raid checkpoint!!! Invite Jason L 94 L
Need 5 for atheon hard gt same as above msg in game for inv
Need 1 for oryx challenge hard prefer Titan
319 Titan down for fresh run inv
Need 5 for crotas end on hard fresh, just for fun, gt same as above. Send messege to join!
Need 5 Gt JTin2112
Anyone wanna do crotas end ~hard mode? Just running it for fun, Never got the chance to play these older raids Message for Play ~ TwangySquare Light lvl 301
Edited by iogorrhea: 1/28/2016 4:56:58 AMLooking for people to do Crotas end hard or normal raid with me message for invite gt same as above
[b][u]WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]IHAIRID IMOIDE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ Looking for 4 319+ [i]light[/i] who: •[b][u]Can comprehend how to rotate plates by being permanently designated as #1,2, and 3 jumper instead of permanent plates[/u][/b] •[b]knows how to run all strats[/b] •have beat hard raid 20+ times •touch of malice •working mic and use it •21+ years old ------------------------------------------ Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b](319 HUNTER/319 WARLOCK/319 TITAN) On [b][u]XBOX ONE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]Please include your class/[i]light[/i] level[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------
Looking to do crotas end for the shader gamer tag : Sexy x Lolita
Need 2 titans for totems, please be 315+, message above GT for invite.
[b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]IHAIRID IMOIDE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ Looking for 5 318+ [i]light[/i] who: •[b][u]Can comprehend how to rotate plates by being permanently designated as #1,2, and 3 jumper instead of permanent plates[/u][/b] •[b]knows how to run all strats[/b] •have beat hard raid 20+ times •touch of malice •working mic and use it •21+ years old ------------------------------------------ Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b](319 HUNTER/319 WARLOCK/319 TITAN) On [b][u]XBOX ONE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]Please include your class/[i]light[/i] level[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------